How do you feel about being asked questions?

I don't mind answering them nor do I feel judged from their questions. I get every sort from the curious sort to the mundane, I deal with each one based on how it's asked, and how thorough my answer is depending on how well I know the person . If it's a genome inquiry, I will answer in kind, if it's ridiculous (ie thinks CI is a new cell phone), I go along with the joke (yeah, prefer cell phones on my head!). Or the rare rude comment will give them the look as if staring down a 155mm howitzer! :D
I never have a problem answering questions about my hearing.

In a lot of ways, it's better that my position is defined.
Well, I take my privacy very seriously for the most part, however, If I feel as if the person doing the questioning is sincerely curious about me and my past, etc, I'll give them more through details. If I feel like the person doing the asking is a straight up busybody, Ill give them the gist/cliffnotes version or avoid answering entirely.

Also, I've had some ridiculously inane and asinine questions directed toward me. Not necessarily offensive questions but questions that make me ask myself, "What is this person smoking!?"
Having a Cochlear Implant is obvious that I am DEAF,
aside: don't mind answering questions especially pointing out the fact-Sunnybrook's /Toronto-experience on how many persons have been implanted-1 out of 3 reviewed since 1984. 1000 out of 3000. Info given a patients meeting last year.
for me as a heard of hearing person who can hear really good with hearing aids and speak very well most people dont ask me unless i tell them that i am deaf. i dont mind the questions but they do sometime get annoying after awhile and i just learn to deal with it and got used to it really most of the time i dont say anything just to avoid being asked by alot of crazy questions