How do keep car doors from freezing ?

i spray cooking old on ranchsliders frames to keep door easy to open...40 years old slider its getting to be a pain, and can't afford those flash french doors...i have other things on car restoration..
How far are you from an electric outlet? If close enough to run an outdoor rated extension, would a hair dryer blow enough hot air to get at least the drivers door open?
How far are you from an electric outlet? If close enough to run an outdoor rated extension, would a hair dryer blow enough hot air to get at least the drivers door open?

That is what we did in the past when had no garage,
How far are you from an electric outlet? If close enough to run an outdoor rated extension, would a hair dryer blow enough hot air to get at least the drivers door open?

I could try that is nothing else work , I would have using hair dryer standing a wet ground.
park in the garage, maybe?

I would if we had a garage for our cars . We have a very small one and one of my neighbor park his motorcycle in it and the mice or chipmunks chewed the wires and it cost him $$ to get it fix.
Live in a warm state... Hehehe... :P

Actually, I've heard of the PAM spray thing before. I also believe that there is a spray they sell at most auto places up north that is specifically made to keep them from freezing up on you. :)
