How do I know if I'm pronouncing it correctly?

Before I go into some long discussion let me give you the short answer to your original question, "But the problem is, how do I know if I'm doing it correctly (I have a CI)."

You use software to see your speech. Check out:
Pronunciation Coach

I've used it and it works.

Also, check out because it uses respelling instead of IPA which might be easier for you.

OK. Now, I've been working on this for some time and I can tell you it's not easy to master, but you can greatly improve your pronunciation with practice.

The first thing you have to come to grips with is how you deal with getting things wrong. You can't take mistakes and how people respond to them personally. Yes, it sucks and it is hurtful, but if we all did that nothing would ever get done, right? So, a mistake is just a stop on the way to getting something right. You have to deal with it just like everyone else, brush it off and try again.

Having said that, you also need to know that pronunciation is not an exact science. Any replication of language is based on the semantics of the language, of the original speaker. So, something might be pronounced one way in one part of town and another way in another part of town. Correct pronunciation depends on location, language and culture.

If you, like me, have trouble pronouncing written words, this can help.
But, you have to understand, this is by no means an exact science.

Thank you so much. FInally someone who can give me help. I know it's not going to be easy - I've been in speech therapy for 6 years and it was one of the most challenging experiences I've had in my entire life. I'm prepared for any setbacks I may come across in my journey. I know I won't completely change my accent but at least my speech can be clear.