How Do I Communicate With People Who Can Hear??

speech to text is crazy... My speech isnt super clear but my iphone types up some crazy shit all the time.... can get you in trouble or fired ( as I cant proof read or type while driving ) I really send some off the wall shit that makes no sense ( ask my agent lol )
speech lessons has nothing to do with lip reading.... Glasses may help, but classes wont.
How so? He is not MUTE....smh
I know he/she not mute I was saying most hearing people won't know ASL the OP was asking how to "Communicate With People Who Can Hear" So how would ASL help ?? The OP said " I am really new to this not being able to hear thing" So I don't see how ASL is going to help them until the other person know ASL too. It's hard to talk a person when you can't hear what they're saying ! smh
Asl will help if he /she meets other deafs, they have many options to choose from for themselves ( dry board, old fashioned pen and paper, cell phones...ect.... even lip reading ) so they are not limited to moaping in their own sorrow. I am verbal, basic ASL, goes deaf or hearie depending on my mood so Im not limited as I can lip read, sign basic, use pen and paper or my cell. If I didnt want to communicate or socialize I would move in the middle of no where and keep to myself. My friends and family know Im deaf, some dont really grasp the concept that I am completely deaf and still talk "at" me.... oh well.

I was told there was NO speechreading classes , I was told I had to have speech lessons if I wanted to refresh my lips reading. I was also the speech teacher I was going to didn't take insurance anymore she was the only one around . I gave up on trying to find one in a small city !

That is for YOU... in the United States.

Derek is in the United Kingdom... in Europe. For HIM he may be able to find such classes and the NHS may cover it (probably do- insurance here in the US can suck donkeyballs).

alas- will go right over head....*smh*