How do cochlear implants and effect acceptance into the Deaf culture?

Why are you so defensive and nasty to deaf posters?

Jillio, you are the one who is extremely defensive and nasty to other deaf posters. She is simply saying that we can rise above our situations instead of wallowing in it. People in wheelchairs don't blame their problems on people who can walk... You know?
Jillio, you are the one who is extremely defensive and nasty to other deaf posters. She is simply saying that we can rise above our situations instead of wallowing in it. People in wheelchairs don't blame their problems on people who can walk... You know?

Good point!
Jillio, you are the one who is extremely defensive and nasty to other deaf posters. She is simply saying that we can rise above our situations instead of wallowing in it. People in wheelchairs don't blame their problems on people who can walk... You know?

Whut? Jillio may have a temper and there are times when I wish she wouldn't lose it and she gets in trouble as a result. However, most deaf here have not complained about her as she has always been respectful of us.

Deaf have complained about certain hearing people discounting their experiences in mainstream and some are bitter about it and quite understandably they want to prevent that from happening to future generations of deaf children. Most here do not wallow in self pity and most here are concerned that the deaf children have an easier time in school than we did. Why is that so hard for some to understand that?

I've always said it is the people's attitude toward my deafness that is my biggest handicap. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
Jillio, you are the one who is extremely defensive and nasty to other deaf posters. She is simply saying that we can rise above our situations instead of wallowing in it. People in wheelchairs don't blame their problems on people who can walk... You know?

Exactly which deaf poster have I been nasty to? And if she is saying "We can rise above our situation" then that is what she needs to say. Some people blame all their problems on others. It is a way of life for some to play the victim. Buffalo is not one of those. She is simply providing a historical context to the attitudes that many have. If anyone is playing the victim here, it cetainly isn't Buffalo, nor is it me.
Whut? Jillio may have a temper and there are times when I wish she wouldn't lose it and gets in trouble as a result. However, most deaf here have not complained about her as she has always been respectful of us.

Deaf have complained about certain hearing people discounting their experiences in mainstream and some are bitter about it and quite understandably they want to prevent that from happening to future generations of deaf children. Most here do not wallow in self pity and most here are concerned that the deaf children have an easier time in school than we did. Why is that so hard for some to understand that?

I've always said it is the people's attitude toward my deafness that is my biggest handicap. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

:ty: deafskeptic. Deafness does not handicap. Attitudinal barriers from the non-deaf are what handicap. And yes, I do have a temper; epecially when it comes to injustice. I try to hold it in check, but there are times that it is simply impossible!
Jillio, you are the one who is extremely defensive and nasty to other deaf posters. She is simply saying that we can rise above our situations instead of wallowing in it. People in wheelchairs don't blame their problems on people who can walk... You know?

:confused: Jillo has not been nasty to other deaf posters. I am lost.
:confused: Jillo has not been nasty to other deaf posters. I am lost.

Yep, me too. That's why I asked. Skullchick had a very good point in her post. People often throw out attitude, and then when it is responded to in kind, want to pretend they have been wronged in some way.
sorry AveryC that your thread turned out to be a bashing thread. It never ends. *sighs*

I apologize for getting myself sucked into it but I was so mad. Pls forgive me.
+1 for me. But maybe this answers Avery's questions: it's not the CI. Its the attitude that is often behind the CI.
Jillio, you are the one who is extremely defensive and nasty to other deaf posters. She is simply saying that we can rise above our situations instead of wallowing in it. People in wheelchairs don't blame their problems on people who can walk... You know?

I know Jillio is not being nasty to any other deaf people. She was never nasty toward me.

As for people in wheelchairs, I have heard one on tv saying that being not able to walk is not the real problem, it is the people's attitudes. I agree with that statement because I heard in the news about a man in wheelchair complaining about a certain establishment not having a ramp for him to use.

I know I can do anything and I never had wallowed in the fact that I was born deaf. What get me mad are the people's attitudes. If it is expensive to be deaf, it is because the hearing people made it so with hearing aids, speech therapies and now CI. We Deaf people have a way to communicate via our hands. Why did many of the hearing people refuse to learn sign language??? Why did they expect us to be great at lipreading? Why did they expect us to be able to speak in spite of our deafness?? CI is the latest result of their attitudes toward us.
The question asked about how people with CI's were being treated by deaf persons without CI's, or how people who chose not to get CI's feel about those with them... and people responded in kind. averyc didn't ask "what is the history of hearing people treating deaf people poorly".

Read my quote "With all that double standards, give me a good reason why should we respect those who disrespect us historically. I know now why I don't want CI is because of all that deaf history." again. I am clear on why I don't want CI. It is because of hearing people (not those who know sign language) and their attitudes. I know I will still have hard time find a job with or without CI. Hey, I wear two hearing aids and I still have hard time getting a job! Why waste my money on CI when I know it won't help me get a job? I know where the problem lay and it ain't my deafness.

Averyc want to hear from those who decided on CI and who decided against CI. I am the latter so I feel I can post it.
I would accept a CI person depending on his/her attitude. If he/she look down on the Deaf Culture, then I would avoid that person. I know only one. I avoid him long time before he went for CI because I don't like his personality.
Read my quote "With all that double standards, give me a good reason why should we respect those who disrespect us historically. I know now why I don't want CI is because of all that deaf history." again. I am clear on why I don't want CI. It is because of hearing people (not those who know sign language) and their attitudes. I know I will still have hard time find a job with or without CI. Hey, I wear two hearing aids and I still have hard time getting a job! Why waste my money on CI when I know it won't help me get a job? I know where the problem lay and it ain't my deafness.

Averyc want to hear from those who decided on CI and who decided against CI. I am the latter so I feel I can post it.

It's fine with me that you posted your thoughts, it's just that those particular thoughts don't answer averyc's question - which asked for deaf persons without a CI to explain "if you decided against the implants, how do you feel about people who did get the surgery"?
+1 for me. But maybe this answers Avery's questions: it's not the CI. Its the attitude that is often behind the CI.
-1 for me. But maybe this answers Avery's questions: it's not the CI. Its the attitude that is often behind Deaf Culture.
-1 for me. But maybe this answers Avery's questions: it's not the CI. Its the attitude that is often behind Deaf Culture.

And I disagree. The ones complaining about lack of acceptance of Deaf culture are the very ones whose attitude prevent that acceptance. It is not a fault of Deaf culture, it is a lack of cultural sensitivity and an attitude of superiority from those asking to be accepted.
Or maybe its because you were rude to them...
(Especially me, obiously you didn't recognize me at all I used to wear red glasses recognize the comment you posted in melissa's GJ? "that girl who wore red glasses she's b*tch" I was nice to you and I tried be friend with you but you were rude to me and totally judged me before even get to know to me
also I never seen you with CI. And you sign fine, better than I do right now and I grew up using sign (it wasn't till high school when I learn to convert from SEE to asl)

Who are you? I don't even know you...the only girl I remember that achually wears red glasses is named Cary Shore and the last time I saw her was when I was in Elementry school.

I'm sorry if I have said that...but I honestly don't remember saying that or know who you are. Must be a long a$$ time ago....

Besides I have changed for better...less judgemental.

Most people don't see my CI because most of the time my hair is covering it.

Thanks for the laugh!!

Glad to make u laugh but honestly, I am still :confused: If the poster said hearing posters, then I would understand but to deaf posters? Not a big deal anyway.
Not that there's not discrimination, but generally CIs are getting to be a lot more accepted overall. Sound and Fury is getting to be kind of outdated. NAD is OK with CIs now. Heck, someone told me once that Deafies were against HEARING AIDS when they first came out! It's gonna be the same way with CIs......and I mean I remember when virtually every message abt CIs on forums like these, was anti CI.
Give it time.........

okay so i'm understanding the issues on CI's more but I'm confused about the hearing aids.. are they more accepted at the moment?.. how do deaf people feel about those with hearing aids as opposed to those with a CI, if there is a difference.
okay so i'm understanding the issues on CI's more but I'm confused about the hearing aids.. are they more accepted at the moment?.. how do deaf people feel about those with hearing aids as opposed to those with a CI, if there is a difference.

It depends on each individual. I am in a Deaf community that is very open-minded and have been exposed to a wide-range of diversity so CIs are not a big deal here or it seems to be. However, I read posts by other ADers about how they were rejected by the Deaf communities in their areas cuz of CIs.

As for hearing probably goes for the same thing with CIs.