How can you feel

FreeWoman77 said:
I have to admit I would allow my daughters to live with me to save their money if they re going to college or university plus I am not gonna to control or block wherever they want to go, also if they would like to move out/in their own place fine with me. There is no rule of my house for them, there is each of them own room they may feel their home here :)

:o let's wait and see

I wish DeafMonkey, Deidra and whoever similar that the best, take ur right time to move out like Catmandu at 29 finally moved out and now on her own life having wonderful family I am sure her mother is proud now :)

Yeah, I wish I can live with my mom so i can save more money but ONE THING IS control over me to protecting me too much which I cant do it so I dont need to live with my mom :)
TweetyBird said:
okay then u dont have to listen ur mother since u dont live with her.. so u can go anywhere u wanna go to! if i were u, i wont listen her cuz of i am old enuff and live on my own period.. if she dont like it then TOO BAD FOR HER!

yeah that is what GalxayAngel said same thing you said :)
Sweetheart said:
Sounds good idea to going to Counselor to getting some of help since it did help me and my mom to getting along better than before, but still not good. Its personal to telling abt me and my mom's business. But, counselor could help your mom to understand better.

Yes I hope so the counsellor gonna help :)
From reading this thread, am I safe to assume that you receive funding (money) from your mother? If this is the case, I am afraid to say that your mother have every right to tell you what you can or cannot do, since it is her money.

If you live on your own and receive NO funding from your mother, you don't have to see her like everyday. Maybe your situation with your mother will get better if you see less of her.

What does deaf culture have to do with this? To shove deaf culture in one's face, in my opinion is a lame excuse.
Cheri said:
Sorry to disappointing you, If you are still living under your parent's roof, They are allow to set rules applied in their home, doesn't matter the age. If you move out at the age of 18 then they have no right to control you. If you are 25 years old why are you living with your parents? Isn't it time to move out on your own, get a job and have your own place to live with your freedom of choice to do whatever you wishes to do because you are no longer under the same roof as your mother. Time to move out and face the real world, show your mother you're not a kid anymore. She will then leave you alone. But, If you are still living with your mother, She thinks you not growing up because you still living under her roof. ;)

Yes, that's right, the children has to accept their parent's rules as long as they live under their parents's roof but the parents can't do anything to control their adult children's life. (I mean they are old enough to manage with their money, choose clothes taste, go out with mates etc.) The parents has the rights to tell their adult children to not smoke in their roof, no pets, help them with chores, etc because they still living under parent's roof. The overprotected parents have to learn to accept the fact that their adult children are not longer kids and let them go.

You can't compare parent's house rule with and overprotected parents who control their children's life because it's difference.

The adult children have no problem to respect/obey their parent's rules as long as they living under parent's rule. They have problem to respect/obey (rebel against) their overprotected parents who forbid them anything because it's no freedom for them... It's difference.

I can see the point that you living at your own... Your parents can't do anything to rule you or control you because you are old enough to pick kind of life, you want lead to.

I would suggest you to convince your parents that you are not longer kid in friendly way. If it doesn't work then go to counsellor for the help...
FreeWoman77 said:
I have to admit I would allow my daughters to live with me to save their money if they re going to college or university plus I am not gonna to control or block wherever they want to go, also if they would like to move out/in their own place fine with me. There is no rule of my house for them, there is each of them own room they may feel their home here :)

:o let's wait and see

I wish DeafMonkey, Deidra and whoever similar that the best, take ur right time to move out like Catmandu at 29 finally moved out and now on her own life having wonderful family I am sure her mother is proud now :)

Yes, I'm with you...

My children have their own room... They have freedom to do what they like in their rooms and go out whatever they like. I want my children make their own rooms as their own home... As long as they respect my rules for help me with chores when they living under my roof. I would not push my children out of my house because they are adult but support them with money issues what they want for their future.
Brian said:
From reading this thread, am I safe to assume that you receive funding (money) from your mother? If this is the case, I am afraid to say that your mother have every right to tell you what you can or cannot do, since it is her money.

If you live on your own and receive NO funding from your mother, you don't have to see her like everyday. Maybe your situation with your mother will get better if you see less of her.

What does deaf culture have to do with this? To shove deaf culture in one's face, in my opinion is a lame excuse.

Where have DeafMonkey says about receive funding from her mother because I can't find her post? All what DeafMonkey said in her previous posts that she wish to live with her mother to save money but she CAN'T because of her overprotected mother who control her life which it mean that its no freedom for her if she live with her...

It sound blackmail to me if it's really true that DeafMonkey's mother support her with money then do what she wants with DeafMonkey... I support my children no matter what and want them feel good and happy.

She doesn't want living w/her mother reason her mother kept contuine controlling her all the time and what she wants... DMonkey doesn't want dragging along her mother all the time what she wants for her.. She is Adult mature enough why necessary let her mother want her ... Oh tha... Oh tha... err no no you can't have... YOu can't have.. blah balh.. so many issues for her emotions unhappy not really good stable since. I'm very totally understand how much she felt that way.. Her dreams what she really her choice for course and other things nobody control her... Espically rest of her siblings are freed but not her.. She is 25 yrs old.. Excuse me, She can handle herself anything what she like to go....
Brian said:
From reading this thread, am I safe to assume that you receive funding (money) from your mother? If this is the case, I am afraid to say that your mother have every right to tell you what you can or cannot do, since it is her money.

If you live on your own and receive NO funding from your mother, you don't have to see her like everyday. Maybe your situation with your mother will get better if you see less of her.

What does deaf culture have to do with this? To shove deaf culture in one's face, in my opinion is a lame excuse.

Huh? I dont use funding money from my mom. I use my own money not from my mom and I dont live with my mom since I was 19 yrs old. I live on my own when I was 19 yrs old where I get the money from to pay rent, bills, food???? it got money from my jobs! right now I have no job for 2 yrs and I use Employment Insurance (EI) for almost one year then back to school that government fund pay school for 10 months and pay the bills, food and rent same with from goverment fund.. If I quit school in 6 months then I will have to pay back to goverment $17,000.00 so i had to stay in school till done! which is next month so I dont have to pay back. If I live with my mom with no job then I would be STUCK!!!! but I already got job in 1998 from wal mart and in 2001 aitec till I got lay off in 2003 soon going in 2004.
Liebling:-))) said:
I can see the point that you living at your own... Your parents can't do anything to rule you or control you because you are old enough to pick kind of life, you want lead to.

I would suggest you to convince your parents that you are not longer kid in friendly way. If it doesn't work then go to counsellor for the help...

Yes I already did told my mom that I am not kid anymore and she still into not happy and mad seem gave it up on me so that is why I am going to get counsellor so I am wait for Canadian Hearing Soctiey (CHS) to email me :).
GalaxyAngel said:

She doesn't want living w/her mother reason her mother kept contuine controlling her all the time and what she wants... DMonkey doesn't want dragging along her mother all the time what she wants for her.. She is Adult mature enough why necessary let her mother want her ... Oh tha... Oh tha... err no no you can't have... YOu can't have.. blah balh.. so many issues for her emotions unhappy not really good stable since. I'm very totally understand how much she felt that way.. Her dreams what she really her choice for course and other things nobody control her... Espically rest of her siblings are freed but not her.. She is 25 yrs old.. Excuse me, She can handle herself anything what she like to go....

You got that right .. I gonna put sticker star on your forehead lol but one thing I am not 25 yrs old lol .. I am 28 yrs old :giggle:.. I dont live with my mom cause of tell me what to do and fight over my 2nd sister which i hate it so i had to move out my own at my age 19 yrs old.
That is good that you support yourself. That is something to be proud of!
I am 30 now, but when I was 21 I had to stop contacting with my parents because of the way the treated me. Now, we talk again and get along better. Maybe someday we will be a close family.
I wish I had a perfect answer for you.
It's good that you go to a counselor. At least you are trying to make things better.

DeafMonkey said:
Huh? I dont use funding money from my mom. I use my own money not from my mom and I dont live with my mom since I was 19 yrs old. I live on my own when I was 19 yrs old where I get the money from to pay rent, bills, food???? it got money from my jobs! right now I have no job for 2 yrs and I use Employment Insurance (EI) for almost one year then back to school that government fund pay school for 10 months and pay the bills, food and rent same with from goverment fund.. If I quit school in 6 months then I will have to pay back to goverment $17,000.00 so i had to stay in school till done! which is next month so I dont have to pay back. If I live with my mom with no job then I would be STUCK!!!! but I already got job in 1998 from wal mart and in 2001 aitec till I got lay off in 2003 soon going in 2004.
DeafMonkey said:
You got that right .. I gonna put sticker star on your forehead lol but one thing I am not 25 yrs old lol .. I am 28 yrs old :giggle:.. I dont live with my mom cause of tell me what to do and fight over my 2nd sister which i hate it so i had to move out my own at my age 19 yrs old.

Let me fix my forehead... Nice star....
err.. *coughing* you're 28 yrs old.. Satisfty ?
jenwhis said:
That is good that you support yourself. That is something to be proud of!
I am 30 now, but when I was 21 I had to stop contacting with my parents because of the way the treated me. Now, we talk again and get along better. Maybe someday we will be a close family.
I wish I had a perfect answer for you.
It's good that you go to a counselor. At least you are trying to make things better.

oh really>? wow .. yeah I am seeing counsellor but i have to wait for email from reply to let me know like make a appt something like that :)
GalaxyAngel said:
Let me fix my forehead... Nice star....
err.. *coughing* you're 28 yrs old.. Satisfty ?

LOL !! you make me laugh!!! yup I am satifty that I am 28 yrs old lol :lol: :giggle:
i still live with my parents they are driving me nuts
i wanna to move out but they said i not independence enuff scoffs
moonflower said:
i still live with my parents they are driving me nuts
i wanna to move out but they said i not independence enuff scoffs

same as my mom think i am not independence enough but glad I got my job and save money and move out at my age 19 yrs old yayaya but still arghh tell me what to do cant cant and controlled blah it drive me nuts!!! from on now I have to be STRONG! myself hehe