How are you Affected by the Economy?

Wow, many are affected. Macian, dont feel guilty that you are doing well when many are not. I wouldnt wish for anyone to suffer. My husband just finished 2 job interviews and will have one more. If he gets any of those jobs, it will be a 20K increase in his salary so I had mixed feelings that day I found out about my dad. It was the day that my hubby had one of his interviews...I was happy and excited for him but then I got the news about my dad so it was like a huge roller coaster drop. If my hubby gets one of the jobs, I probably will feel a little guilty for doing better than so many of my friends.

My friend told me yesterday that her friend's heater is not working and they cant afford to fix it. They have 3 children and they live in PA. I asked her what are they going to do. She said she doesnt know but they have been freezing inside their home for the past two weeks.

My heat system replace cost $6,000 dollars. I can't afford it. Had to buy parts to fix some of the heat system.
I forgot to tell you, at PO the hiring is very short on list now than it was 4 years ago. Unbelivable.

I went to Post Office to pick up my letters, the woman at front desk told me that Post Office employees may lay off more people because we do not use any stamps much due to pay the bills on the line and emails, etc...

Only christmas delivery presents and cards. I am so shocked to see there is no people at Post Office.

Went out for lunch with my sister and saw there were no customers at the restruant. The waitress were sitting on the tables.

The new mall just opened few months ago, there were no people out there. There were no many people going on Christmas shopping this year.

The news said, alot of stores may go file on bankrupt. Everything are going on the line to order from those stores.

I miss old time to get letters to seeing their character handwriting. I remember, I wrote sweetheart letters with lipstick smack on the envople and mail it to my ex boyfriend. Perfume on the paper. :giggle:

Technologies is really hurtful in this society. We use the cell phone, text message and email, video phone, etc.... We can't afford to drive with gasoline cost and repair the cars.

What will the malls happen within next ten years ?
like an older lady I met in the grocery store said, "people need to get back to the basics." I have hope that it's not as if the u.s. will end up like a 3rd world country. at least there is still such a thing as low income when other countries only have the wealthy and NO income as a population. People will adapt and this crisis will probably at least help increase the number of workers entering training for something in the health care field + the military, so who knows what good points might come from this? I wonder. I don't know how much worse it can get. In a few months I'll be moving to a third world country temporarily (egypt) and finances were hell for most people before any of this happen, so it'll be a totally different environment and probably even more depressing than the states since the largest arab pop. in the world (70 million +) doesnt have anything close to social support systems western countries have. And you know what? they have managed to work it though and continued to survive, so there's hope for the u.s.a. with all the resources that are still out there.
My family is used to starting from scratch after losing everything...they were placed in camps in indonesia by the japanese and indonesians after there homes were taken from them during the dutch colonial period. It's the reason why my mother was born with cerebral palsy since adequate medical care was denied. They rebuilt their lives in the Netherlands and then in america and managed to be alright, they just worked with what they had and within their means. They didn't take out loans for things they couldn't afford, + sometimes worked 2 jobs or more.
I do not know anyone who have loss their job or benefit, behind one person who lost job during the error on duty that end up get fired. Pity... But yes, he seem had hard time to find job lately.

Everybody still can get job at Sorenson which pay okay. Hopefully, he will get accept this job.
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Kalista, wow I'm very sorry that it affect you and your family totally over your Dad. :( :hug: