HOH living in a hearing world


New Member
May 29, 2008
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Hi everyone, this is my first post here on AllDeaf.com so I'm looking forward to meeting alot of ppl on here and hearing (or reading should I say :P) from you all

I'm a 21 year old university student and I was pretty much hard of hearing since I was a kid. I wear hearing aids on both ears which helps me to hear relatively well (compared to when I don't wear them). I was also pretty much brought up in the hearing world and have not really had much contact with other people who are deaf/hard-of-hearing (although I know a couple of people around my age who are HOH as well and were also brought up in the hearing world)

I'm just wondering how many people on here are like this (HOH but brought up in the hearing world). Did you encounter a lot of problems (such as communicating with others, socializing, dating, job searching, etc.). I'd like to know more about how people in my situation deal with things in their everyday lives.

Thanks, and sorry if my post was a bit long!! lol
:welcome: I think you can find lots of people here. Enjoy.
Yeah, I guess I am in the same situation, except my hearing deteriorates during my mid 20s to the point where I needed HA. I don't know any Deaf/HOH people, except people on this forum - and the people that I know here are great! :)

I don't think I have any issues with communicating. But I had issues with job searching, which depleted my self-esteem because I knew I didn't get the job due to my hearing problem. Now I have moved on, and not look back in the past...
Mod's Note:

Thread's moved to the proper location.

By the way, Hello and welcome to AllDeaf. You'll find a lot of people here on this forum that has had a similar experience and can help your insight down the road. :)
:welcome: to Alldeaf! I am hoh but prefer to say that I am deaf as I can communicate in Auslan (Australian sign language) and I can speak very well to be understood. I am married to a hearing guy for 25 years and we do not have any problem communicating with each other. I hope you will enjoy browsing and posting in Alldeaf as we have all range of topics to discuss. See ya around! :)
Hello and :welcome: to AD! Good to have you on board and hope you will enjoy your way around these insightful threads. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Being Deaf and Hard of Hearing is no picnic in the hearing world. The hard part is to struggle to understand the hearing society whether at mainstream schools, job, church, and trying to socialize with the hearing people who don't want to bother being with you just because you are hard of hearing or Deaf. They will say "Never mind" too many times. I am Deaf. ;)

I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
Welcome to AD,I am also hoh,I have to wear two hearing aids and was force to live in the hearing world.