Hi! :-)

Movies - not a huge movie fan. If I'm going to read, I prefer books.

Books - Any and every thing lol. My favourites are William Faulkner's Light in August, Anna Karenina and...oh narrow it to 3...tough...Anne of green gables.

I got into it because I've always liked taking pictures and making cool things with them on my computer. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I enjoyed reading your posts in other threads. I am glad you are so into it here. Just have fun reading and posting here. See you around here more. :wave:
Haha, no, it's actually my name. My parents were hippie-ish. All my brothers and sisters have weird nature-y names. (River, Rainbow, Leaf and Season)

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH...............that's AWESOME! Your parents almost sound like my almost girlfriend's parents........SUPER hippie dippie....surprised the girl and her sister didn't end up with those types of names LOL. They did everything else.......unschooling, radical feminism, etc.....they are straight out of the pages of Mothering/ Mother Earth News.