Hi there!!


Ad Astra Per Aspera
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2011
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Hi there! :wave:

I'm Stuart from North Dakota. (Possibly a future citizen of Minnesota.) I picked "Deaf Badger" for this forum, because I couldn't think of anything else.

I was born HOH and was taught in a mainstreamed hearing-impaired program in my K-12 school. I did not know any HOH/Deaf kids after grade school.

Last month (now in my 30s) I attended a deaf association meeting and it was great to meet so many people like me. I don't know if this sounds strange, but I felt "normal" again. I didn't feel alone among these people. I didn't feel like I was the odd one trying to understand everyone else.

Well, since I am still learning ASL, I was still trying to understand everyone else. :) But it didn't bother me, because I knew it's just a matter of learning ASL and I will understand.

On the other hand, if I'm in a group of hearing people, I can't hear them or follow along with the conversation. Too many overlapping voices and it's impossible to make sense of it. It's difficult anyway talking and listening to just one person.

So I'm very new to the Deaf community and trying to make new connections and friends. There's a lot that I don't know yet that I'm trying to learn. I'm astonished at the services available to deaf people. I wish I had known about this stuff years ago.

Well, just to tell you a little more about myself, I am currently training in IT and hope to move into a good job in that field. I am currently single with no kids. I am a fan of sci-fi and read a lot of it and watch a lot of sci-fi, too. I like listening to music too, but I can't understand the lyrics or hear many of the notes/instruments. But you can't stop rhythm! I like to watch a lot of movies, and read a lot of books. Just about anything is fair game for this inquisitive mind. :hmm:

I love the sciences, like biology, astronomy, etc. I suppose you could call me an eager layperson learning what he can about it. I just like to keep up on the news about it and explore the world and universe we live in, as much as is possible for a gravity-bound mammal. :lol:

I would really enjoy chatting with people from here. Feel free to send a message, even if just to say 'what's up'.

I'm happy to be here and hope to many many friends and acquaintances here.

Thanks! :ty:

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. You would have easily be call "Nerd" for being interest in science and intelligent stuffs. I like Science Fiction myself, too. I am intelligent enough to know better in this world. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Hi there! :wave:

I'm Stuart from North Dakota. (Possibly a future citizen of Minnesota.) I picked "Deaf Badger" for this forum, because I couldn't think of anything else.

I was born HOH and was taught in a mainstreamed hearing-impaired program in my K-12 school. I did not know any HOH/Deaf kids after grade school.

Last month (now in my 30s) I attended a deaf association meeting and it was great to meet so many people like me. I don't know if this sounds strange, but I felt "normal" again. I didn't feel alone among these people. I didn't feel like I was the odd one trying to understand everyone else.

Well, since I am still learning ASL, I was still trying to understand everyone else. :) But it didn't bother me, because I knew it's just a matter of learning ASL and I will understand.

On the other hand, if I'm in a group of hearing people, I can't hear them or follow along with the conversation. Too many overlapping voices and it's impossible to make sense of it. It's difficult anyway talking and listening to just one person.

So I'm very new to the Deaf community and trying to make new connections and friends. There's a lot that I don't know yet that I'm trying to learn. I'm astonished at the services available to deaf people. I wish I had known about this stuff years ago.

Well, just to tell you a little more about myself, I am currently training in IT and hope to move into a good job in that field. I am currently single with no kids. I am a fan of sci-fi and read a lot of it and watch a lot of sci-fi, too. I like listening to music too, but I can't understand the lyrics or hear many of the notes/instruments. But you can't stop rhythm! I like to watch a lot of movies, and read a lot of books. Just about anything is fair game for this inquisitive mind. :hmm:

I love the sciences, like biology, astronomy, etc. I suppose you could call me an eager layperson learning what he can about it. I just like to keep up on the news about it and explore the world and universe we live in, as much as is possible for a gravity-bound mammal. :lol:

I would really enjoy chatting with people from here. Feel free to send a message, even if just to say 'what's up'.

I'm happy to be here and hope to many many friends and acquaintances here.

Thanks! :ty:


DeafBadger, I can really relate to what you are saying about not being able to hear in conversations. I have always had that problem and have had to do a lot of pretending. (a lot of wrong answers too) I have always felt as though I did not belong in this world and it makes me feel so good just reading the comments from you guys. Thank you so much. I am also crazy about science fiction movies and books. Sure am glad to meet you way down here in Tennessee.
Welcome.... you'll fit right in. We have a lot of "almost Deafie" hoh people posting here.
Thanks for the welcome! I hope to get to know everyone better. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf (AD)

It looks as if we share a number of interests and experiences in common so I look forward to getting to know you here on AD.

Like you I was born HOH and mainstreamed, always surrounded by hearing people, and only recently connecting with other d/Deaf people. Also like you I love sci-fi in all formats - books, TV & film.

See you around.