Hi, new to posting here


New Member
Jan 24, 2011
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Hi, I am a 29 year old hoh girl from Cali:wave: I have been reading here for several months and keep wanting to reply to threads, so I figured I would introduce myself. I was born with bilateral sensorineural loss-moderate-severe in my right ear and severe in my left. Wore HAs for the first 9 years of my life before giving them up to pass as hearing...yeah that was a frustrating twenty years. I was mainstreamed in school and excelled, though I rarely knew what anyone was saying in the classroom. I just received a new pair of hearing aids-in blue of course-last month. It is the same love-hate relationship that I remember from twenty years ago. I love them for having conversations with friends and that is about it. I do like that my TV volume is cut in half, but I still need captions to understand what is being said. The HA's also make music cut in and out, and the audiologist said she cannot fix that. For everything else, I hate the darn things. Everything is too loud and causes overload. I do have both an auditory and a sensory processing disorder, which is probably why I cannot stand to wear them when walking around. I can sometimes stand to have them on in stores and on the bus, but not always. At least I can turn them off when life gets too loud.:giggle: So now, I kind of feel like I do not fit into either world. I have taken a semester of ASL, but that is a far cry from belonging to the Deaf world. But without my HA's, I am feeling more and more like a deaf person rather than a hoh person, like I do not fit in the hearing world either...ah this intro is a bit long, :ty: if you have made it this far.
Welcome! We have a TON of hoh and very mainstreamed but still don't feel like we fit into the hearing world folks who post here.
Thanks for the welcomes. It is nice to know there are other hoh people out there kinda trapped between the Deaf and hearing worlds. I really wish I had the opportunity to learn sign language as a kid. I got speech therapy instead.:roll:
I really wish I had the opportunity to learn sign language as a kid. I got speech therapy instead
Oh tell me about it. And let me guess, you had a spoken language delay and caught up pretty fast in that area but spent years on boring crap like articuation, pitch, modulation and volumne. I really do think that deaf ed needs to remember about the hoh kids.....that we could benifit from ASL and Deaf Ed too!
Oh tell me about it. And let me guess, you had a spoken language delay and caught up pretty fast in that area but spent years on boring crap like articuation, pitch, modulation and volumne. I really do think that deaf ed needs to remember about the hoh kids.....that we could benifit from ASL and Deaf Ed too!

I did have a bit of a delay in speech, though I did learn to read at age three-my mom and sister spent a lot of time reading to me and I absorbed it. But yeah, my speech was not understandable to those outside my family for quite a while. My speech therapy was exactly what you described...I spent a lot of time talking into mirrors, lol.
Thanks for the welcomes. It is nice to know there are other hoh people out there kinda trapped between the Deaf and hearing worlds. I really wish I had the opportunity to learn sign language as a kid. I got speech therapy instead.:roll:

You and me both. I was born profoundly deaf but never was allowed the opportunity to learn sign language as a kid either. Mainstreamed to the max with minimal accodomations. It is a wonder how I managed through it although my self-esteem took a serious beating.

Now, I am fluent in ASL and a full time member of the Deaf community. Not interested in going back to my old life.

I know how you feel as I was in your shoes once.
welcome to Alldeaf!
I have a bilateral moderate/severe hearing loss in both of my ears BUT it's included with a severe loss in the high frequencies and about to recive my new hearing aids next week!
wanna know about my new ones? they're the same model as JennyB's and also the same color (I'm getting the Safari powered verison)

that's weird, my current hearing aids has music cutting in and out when I listen to music on my computer!
hi there hohme it seems we are about the same i am hoh in right and full deaf in other ear. i grew up in hearing world till i was 18 then i met deaf and learned signlanguage. i know how you feel dont know which world you belong in too. its not easy trying to communicate with hearing as some dont have no patience with people like us. i do hang around deaf some but still dont feel like i fit with them because i didnt have life experiences with them growing up. so feel kinda stuck still lol. yeah i went to public school which really sucked as there was no interpreter back then. hearing aids help some but not all the way and that sucks too. people expect us to understand what they saying when they talk but they dont get it and still talk too fast. i guess it depends on how much hearing is left to be able to have good conversations. well anyway welcome to alldeaf.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I had been mainstreamed during elementary and high school oral-only in the 50s and 60s. :ugh: I grew up without ASL until I graduated from high school and learned to sign ASL from a Deaf Lutheran Church (I am Catholic). I was glad I did. I never look back at the old life I had. I moved on to the Deaf communities in different states in USA and now here in Canada. So gradually, you will have to adjust to your hearing loss and learn to be in the Deaf community or just be with us here on AllDeaf. Take one step at a time. :)

Just have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave: