Hi from San Diego


New Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Hello all,

I've lurked here for a bit, but never properly introduced myself. I'm hearing, but I'm the father of a wonderful little girl who is now 17 months old. We discovered that she is deaf when she failed her hearing test shortly after birth. She has some neurological problems and is delayed for her gross- and fine-motor skills, but she's able to sign about a dozen words now and understand quite a few more.

My wife and I started learning ASL shortly after we learned that she's deaf. We've been working with tutors, using DVDs and online resources, and taking some classes. We can have some basic conversations now, but we still have quite a long way to go before we're fluent. It's a bit overwhelming to suddenly have to learn a new language to communicate with your child, but we're doing our best.

Nice to meet you all!

Here's my daughter signing her favorite word after getting into some mischief.

awwwwww your little girl is so cute!!! I had worn hearing aids since I was 6 months old btw :)
welcome to AD.