Hi from London!


New Member
May 12, 2013
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Hello, my name is Ari and I'm from London! I have moderate hearing loss in both ears and am also hard of hearing. I have been deaf and hard of hearing from birth. I have to wear hearing-aids in both ears or it's difficult for me to have a conversation with other people.

I'm 15 years old and I'm currently a GCSE student. I'd like to one day study medicine at Cambridge University or Harvard University, and go on to become an oncologist or an audiological physician.

I happened to come across this website and I really liked the look of it and decided to join and experience what it's like to be part of the deaf community! (I have hearing parents and a hearing younger brother.) I'm learning British Sign Language along with a few other friends of mine.

I hope to make friends on here and hopefully become part of the deaf community! :)
Wirelessly posted

TheGoonerGirl said:
Hello, my name is Ari and I'm from London! I have moderate hearing loss in both ears and am also hard of hearing. I have been deaf and hard of hearing from birth. I have to wear hearing-aids in both ears or it's difficult for me to have a conversation with other people.

I'm 15 years old and I'm currently a GCSE student. I'd like to one day study medicine at Cambridge University or Harvard University, and go on to become an oncologist or an audiological physician.

I happened to come across this website and I really liked the look of it and decided to join and experience what it's like to be part of the deaf community! (I have hearing parents and a hearing younger brother.) I'm learning British Sign Language along with a few other friends of mine.

I hope to make friends on here and hopefully become part of the deaf community! :)

hi me too wao gr8t to join am also curently starting sign clases nway we get know @atha more twill b intrestin esp wen u get know our culture here