

New Member
Dec 5, 2012
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Hey all, name's Red, female, 20. It's a nickname obviously. :p

If I'm honest, I've never communicated or interacted with anything or anyone deaf related. I know nothing about it and I'm severely deaf with hearing aids. I don't mean to be offensive, but I've always avoided the 'deaf culture' and anything to do with deafness, mostly because I hate labels, I hate any kind of fixed stereotype or judgement. Deafness is something I didn't have any control over. My tattoos, they were my choice, if I'm stereotyped because of that, that was a consequence I came to terms with and accepted before having the tattoo. If that makes sense. Reason I'm explaining this is because I've read through loads of introductory posts and there's all sorts I don't understand; abbrevations and terms I simply don't know, how people call people who can hear hearies and deaf people deafies, and generally the different way people discuss deafness. Like I said, I mean no offense and I do not judge, nor am I trying to say I have a problem with it, I just believe that I'm so far away from this kind of community, that I'm not entirely sure that I'm going to fit in here.
The main reason I got drawn here is simply because I've had repeated issues with being able to apply for jobs I want without my deafness halting it.
I wanted to be in the military since I was a kid, deafness put a stop to that. Same with firewoman, police force, etc. Basically any kind of physical job of being put in danger, my deafness stops me from being able to sign up for.
Now I'm trying to look into private security. I'm having a hard time finding any real clear list/information over which of these kinds of jobs I can even apply for and would have a chance of.
Otherwise, uh. Hi. This has probably been an awkward and weird post to make in this kind of forum. I apologise for that.
Welcome Red!!!!!!
I'm severely deaf with hearing aids. I don't mean to be offensive, but I've always avoided the 'deaf culture' and anything to do with deafness, mostly because I hate labels, I hate any kind of fixed stereotype or judgement. Deafness is something I didn't have any control over. My tattoos, they were my choice, if I'm stereotyped because of that, that was a consequence I came to terms with and accepted before having the tattoo. If that makes sense. Reason I'm explaining this is because I've read through loads of introductory posts and there's all sorts I don't understand; abbrevations and terms I simply don't know, how people call people who can hear hearies and deaf people deafies, and generally the different way people discuss deafness. Like I said, I mean no offense and I do not judge, nor am I trying to say I have a problem with it, I just believe that I'm so far away from this kind of community, that I'm not entirely sure that I'm going to fit in here.
The main reason I got drawn here is simply because I've had repeated issues with being able to apply for jobs I want without my deafness halting it.
I wanted to be in the military since I was a kid, deafness put a stop to that. Same with firewoman, police force, etc. Basically any kind of physical job of being put in danger, my deafness stops me from being able to sign up for.
That is where you're wrong my dear. It's not a label. It's an IDENTITY....It is something that can be REALLY empowering. There are different ways of approaching and identifying Deafness.
It's such an important part of who you are, why wouldn't you want to celebrate and be empowered by it? If you were gay would you hide it and call identiy politics labeling etc?
Welcome to AllDeaf, Red!,
Your deafness is not a barrier in Life.
You CAN do anything. Goodluck in whatever
goals you aim for in Life. Happy Holidays. Cheers.
Welcome Red! :)
im not a fan of labels either, i like i to come here so i can just chat with people that understand where im coming from, because all of the people in my life are hearing. Im hard of hearing so i live in between worlds, and in some situations the only people that truly understand are the ones that have been or or going through the same things. You will quickly find that people here are very kind, honest and open-minded

Btw i love the nickname, one of my best friends' nickname is Red too :)

Hi, I am a part of the Deaf community and very involved with the Deaf culture after avoiding it like the plague growing up. My BIG mistake. I cant imagine life without it. Hope you will feel the same in the near future. Many of us are good people.
welcome to Alldeaf, I'm severely deaf in my right ear with a hearing aid and my left is stable this year :3 neutral way to start the year hm?
have fun lurking around!
Hi, I am a part of the Deaf community and very involved with the Deaf culture after avoiding it like the plague growing up. My BIG mistake. I cant imagine life without it. Hope you will feel the same in the near future. Many of us are good people.

Exactly. I think a big part of the problem is that some people may think that ALL Deaf people are militants. You can identify as Deaf even if you're HOH.....it's an empowering identity.
Exactly. I think a big part of the problem is that some people may think that ALL Deaf people are militants. You can identify as Deaf even if you're HOH.....it's an empowering identity.

Agreed :mrgreen:
