

New Member
Dec 12, 2013
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So i have Phonak hearing aides, i don't know exactly that much about them. I fell asleep laying on my right side with them in and on, when i woke up i couldnt (and cant) hear out of the right hearing aide. I fixed it but then i took another nap and it happened again. I don't remember how i fixed it but it took a while
Does anyone have any ideas on what happened and what i can do
maybe you should take your hearing aids off before you sleep. maybe you're somehow turning them off in your sleep? I don't know.
When you go to bed at nighttime, you need to take your hearing aid(s) off. But when you want to take a nap like for an hour or two hours, then it would be wise to take your hearing aid(s) and put them on the side table near your couch or armchair, especially if you want to take nap in your own bedroom. I think the battery will drain or wear out your battery so in order to do that you need to conserve your battery from running out of it. If you happen to fall asleep at reading a book or watching T.V., then there is nothing you could do to remind yourself to remove your hearing aid(s) while taking a nap. Hope that will help you conserve your battery. Just let me know how it goes. :fingersx:

EDIT: If you still have problem with your hearing aid(s), then you should take them to your audiologist and find out if your hearing aid(s) are still good. He or she will help you on this. :)
Yes...take your hearing aides out, turn them off, put them in a safe place, then take your nap.

After 4 or 5 times of doing this, you might be able to avoid the situation permanently.
My wild guess, if HA sitting on your ear, and it gets moist in HA that screws up the sounds.
Feline's got a very good answer here (my old earmolds may do that and I don't get any sound unless I reinsert the whole thing!
*thank god for BTEs!*
Don't you get crazy feedback that annoys anyone in the vicinity? If I even wear my hair down I get feedback.
But seriously, just take em out.