Help Me Out

how long you guys tog? i know how he felt.

he visited ri and came back actin weird....i guess he is seeing someone..bec it happened to me when i had my girlfriend and i see other girl, i acted weird bec 2 girls...shit, i don't say he is seeing someone, but i just assumed

SO HARD for him to decide which he wants to be with you or not...sound like you guys are together for long...and he loves you and your kid very much, but he afraid what you guys doing without him. u guys need some spaces and let him feel calm and cool off. he will come back and say....FUCK, I LOVE YOU! I MISS YOU! blah, ya know......latah
First off, it certainly sounds like you need to find a hobby or something you love doing. :D Do things for you, and do what you love. Love in the form of another person will follow.

Old adage: Love thyself before you love others.

And secondly, this guy seems like he lacks direction in life and is finding himself. He is probably a good guy.. just doesn't realize how much pain he is causing you.

The question for you...... are you willing to keep this up, continuing to get hurt or create boundaries for yourself (doing this shows respect for yourself, your time, and your feelings)... you could even keep your guy in both cases. Everyone learns, though!

Life may just surprise you.

Good luck!
hmmm. I gotta say it sounds kinda fishy if he keeps talking about sex lately- maybe that's all he wants? I dunno :\ he doesn't seem that type from what I see when I met him but I can't really say. just follow your heart, girl.
well you and your friend or ex bf whatever, try to more discuss and talking about your plm to getting solve and something get deal to agree. take a step by step, don't jump too much. ok :D
he and I were together for 11 months. The baby was UNPLANNED and "it just happened" motto.

VVTI.... He dont know anyone here. He used to live in Cape Cod after coming back 5 years of Navy. He move Then he found me online and we meet up few months later. That when we start dating and we love each other alot while I was pregnant. After I had her, Leila was like a month and half old when we broke up. We used to live in Maine with his father but he is there now and I came back home to RI.

What u guys think we should do this weekend on Saturday? Just curious.