

New Member
Jan 21, 2010
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My name is Bryan, 34 years old, have moderately-severe hearing loss, and been wearing hearing since I was 4-5 years old. I decided to join since I will be getting some phonak nadia 9 ha soon and interested in seeing everyone's experience with them.

A little info about me... I have been blessed with a mother that worked with me constantly growing up so I would be on the same educational level as my peers...the experts told my mother that I would graduate high school on a 2nd grade hearing level due to not hearing for the first 3 years of my life. That motivated her to work with me and I caught up with my peers in the 4th grade.

My mother threatened to sue the school system to keep me in the local school...some people on the school board thought I was retarded or just ignoring them on purpose...

Ruined my first pair of hearing when I was five yr old...was fixing to jump into the lake from a boat...my dad said "Bryan do not wear your hearing aids when you jump in the water!" I said ok and put them in my pockets then jumped in! Hey I did what I told..
:welcome: It is always nice to see someone who started life as a good obedient boy! :lol:
hopefully I am not the only one LOL but I think I made Dennis the Menace look like a angel...
:welcome: to Alldeaf, Brian. :) I am also moderate-severe and have had hearing aids since I was 3 and a half. My mother also worked with me extensively to get me where I am now.
Welcome to AllDeaf!!! :wave:

I am on most everyday now. I take a break to cook and housework or take family on errands. I love for AllDeaf these days.
Ruined my first pair of hearing when I was five yr old...was fixing to jump into the lake from a boat...my dad said "Bryan do not wear your hearing aids when you jump in the water!" I said ok and put them in my pockets then jumped in! Hey I did what I told..

Ha ha ha! Love it!
Welcome to AllDeaf! :)
..... Ruined my first pair of hearing when I was five yr old...was fixing to jump into the lake from a boat...my dad said "Bryan do not wear your hearing aids when you jump in the water!" I said ok and put them in my pockets then jumped in! Hey I did what I told..
Hi Welcome and :rofl2: at the hearing aids in the pocket situation.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. :giggle: at the hearing aids in the pocket while jumping into the lake. Have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
do you guys get on this website much?

That's like asking the majority of us if we exhale when we inhale :)

Welcome to AD, we share lot of similarities. I lost my hearing at a young age (two years old) and I have moderate-severe hearing loss. I did not have the greatest luck with hearing aids and I even lost a pair to the lake when I was in high school... oy, the floating campsites at Lake Oroville were tricky! So I can definitely relate with you :giggle:

You'll definitely blend in here ;)
hard to fully fit in anywhere since people that can hear forget we wear hearing aids LOL...I used to pissed my friends off by talking about them in front of them instead of behind their back...(i thought if I couldn't hear them they couldnt hear me WRONG!)
i also couldn't say my "sh" sounds and said oh tit! a lot

My daughter had problems with the "tr" sound a lot and always used an "f" so Truck was #uck. This from a 3 year old who didn't know better. :giggle:

She still has a few problems, but hers are not from hearing loss, hers were from poor muscle control and "lax" oral facial muscles.
thank goodness I had a super-hot speech therpist that give me the manly boost I needed to strengthen those lax muscle...i thought of her the first time I heard val halen hot for the teacher
Daughter took speech therapy both in school and out of school for 9 years. It helped a lot and now she only gets sloppy when she's really tired or rushing. She's 15 and still has a few problems, but she is making it.
Welcome Bryan! There are a TON of hoh folks here. I have a moderately severe loss myself actually. (I'm 30 and was mainstreamed too)
hard to fully fit in anywhere since people that can hear forget we wear hearing aids LOL...I used to pissed my friends off by talking about them in front of them instead of behind their back...(i thought if I couldn't hear them they couldnt hear me WRONG!)
Oh yeah it is hard to fit in with hearing folks. But Alldeaf is for EVERYONE! You'll find a lot of very welcoming folks here.
And I was very notorious for turning off my hearing aids on people as a kid and as a teen.