

New Member
Jul 15, 2007
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Hi! I'm Mizerey! I'm a single mom to an autistic boy.
They say I probably was born with some hearing loss. We nenver knew until I was about three years old. My mother noticed I would not answer anyone unless I was facing them or at least near them. I was raised orally and when I was ready for school the option for me to attend Rochester School for the Deaf was given. Mom thought it would be better for me to be in the mainstream. Looking back I wish I could have had the opportunity to go to RSD. I used an FM in middle school but I hated it because it was so noticeable. I refused to wear it after the teasing started.

I had my hearing tested in 2000 and was told I needed two hearing aids. My insurance said they would only pay for one since I didn't have significant social problems/eyesight problems. So I got the one. That one broke a few years ago. I didn't think about getting a new one until now. I can no longer hear my son unless he looks at me and I have trouble repeating what he says to others so that they will understand it. I also can't hear/understand most family members anymore unless I am practically in their laps. I go to a new audiologist on the 23 and I hope I can convince my insurance to cover the two aides I need. I also hope to get into ASL classes since I feel I missing a part of me not being able to.
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Thanks for sharing your 'introduction' and hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! :)

Thanks for the kind welcome!!! Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Its been very busy around here.