

New Member
Dec 8, 2013
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My names Mickey I'm a first year sign language student. My over all plan is to go to collage and major in interpretation. I love to learn, about Deaf culture especially.
Other stuff about my self:
I Love to write and am trying (mostly failing) to write a book.
I am a blue belt in Marshal Arts (Calm Water) = MMA, Street Fighting,
I love to Chat
I'm CraZy:laugh2:
I'm looking for friends.
I am Dyslexic so I can't spell worth crap. (Love Spell Check)
I am a little (okay a lot) Obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I love Supernatural (Dean girl all the way), BBC Sherlock, Dukes of Hazzard, New Girl and Big Brother
I love to read books. All kinds from Hardy Boy too City of Bones
Oh and by the way I'm a girl.
My names Mickey I'm a first year sign language student. My over all plan is to go to collage and major in interpretation. I love to learn, about Deaf culture especially.
Other stuff about my self:
I Love to write and am trying (mostly failing) to write a book.
I am a blue belt in Marshal Arts (Calm Water) = MMA, Street Fighting,
I love to Chat
I'm CraZy:laugh2:
I'm looking for friends.
I am Dyslexic so I can't spell worth crap. (Love Spell Check)
I am a little (okay a lot) Obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I love Supernatural (Dean girl all the way), BBC Sherlock, Dukes of Hazzard, New Girl and Big Brother
I love to read books. All kinds from Hardy Boy too City of Bones
Oh and by the way I'm a girl.

Welcome to AllDeaf. You will find lots of great stuff here, and I hope you enjoy your stay here.

I sometimes forget how to spell words on my tablet or phone, which is why I love autocorrect, but it sometimes comes up with odd words, but if I'm on my laptop, I'll use Google to find the correct spelling of the word (Gotta love Google for that).
If you're really thinking of getting a book publish you should be very careful.
There are book publishing companies that will publish any book no matter how good or bad it's as long you PAY them money to do it. I know someone that paid $4,000 to have a kid book publish , it took the publishing company about $500 to publish the books , that art work was crap and in black and white. The quality of the paper was cheap like comic book. And the company get a lot of profit if there is any.
If you're really thinking of getting a book publish you should be very careful.
There are book publishing companies that will publish any book no matter how good or bad it's as long you PAY them money to do it. I know someone that paid $4,000 to have a kid book publish , it took the publishing company about $500 to publish the books , that art work was crap and in black and white. The quality of the paper was cheap like comic book. And the company get a lot of profit if there is any.

Thanks for the advice! I make sure to keep that in mind when I finish my book. :)