Hello peoples


New Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Hi, I'm a hearing person from Crookston, Minnesota. As of late, I've been taking an interest in ASL and the deaf community, and have been considering a career path in deaf education; however, there are no convenient ways for me to learn ASL anywhere near me, so (until I find someone to help teach me ASL), I'm at something of a stand-still with learning it. I figured I would join to hang out and learn a thing or two about ASL and the various deaf communities.

Sorry if I rambled for too long; I hope I can fit in here!
Hi, I'm a hearing person from Crookston, Minnesota. As of late, I've been taking an interest in ASL and the deaf community, and have been considering a career path in deaf education; however, there are no convenient ways for me to learn ASL anywhere near me, so (until I find someone to help teach me ASL), I'm at something of a stand-still with learning it. I figured I would join to hang out and learn a thing or two about ASL and the various deaf communities.

Sorry if I rambled for too long; I hope I can fit in here!

What got you interested in all this?
What got you interested in all this?

Well, I've always had an interest in ASL (at the very least, a curiosity). Recently, I both wanted to start learning a new language and felt pensive about my future, and sign language for me turned out to be a pretty good combination (as I always wanted to get a job with educational value rather than, say, journalism or cooking).