Hello, new here


Premium Member
Mar 28, 2012
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Good afternoon,

I have been reading the newbie section of this board and perhaps I am not in the right place, or even the right forum ? I am "profoundly deaf", the flatline audiograhm.

Ok, so I have started about six different sentences here about me.....none of which seem to fit.

Please ask me questions. I do not have much exposure to the Deaf culture. I am striving to overcome that, hence, my posting here.

If this is the incorrect approach or perhaps the wrong place for this, please let me know.

My name is Jim.

Thank you.
Just outside of Spokane WA. A little place called Mica. Thank you for your reply.
Oh, You are in northwest too. I am from Independence, Oregon.

Good morning !

I am going out on a limb here, please pardon my ignorance. I am looking for a way to interact with people in the deaf culture. I do not know the words that are insulting, nor am I versed in the proper etiquette in this. I was hearing, with some loss until five years ago, severe head injury and then total loss of hearing. There were many things associated with this head injury and in conjunction with that I have become quite reclusive in my interactions with others.

I do tell people I am deaf, not HOH. I am learning to sign, trying. Just want to learn this without offending anyone.

I seem to see a couple of categories here on AD, the deaf, HOH, then also the hearing wishing to interact with ASL.

In a non offensive way, I am going to state that people seem to associate deafness with being disabled, even mentally ill ? Wrong words there, but it is a stigma I feel.

It does take me a little to converse, but in truth, nothing changed in my mental state. Yes, facial scarring, people see that. But the deafness ? Sorta like wow......uh......ok. Then the blank stare.

Just confusing I guess, and for everyone here that has been in the culture for some time this will most likely confirm my true ignorance on all of this.

Perhaps this not a good site for me ? I do not know. I may need to be in the remedial class for awhile till I get the lingo and proper etiquette mastered.

Again, no offense intended to anyone, I am just looking for a way to transition into life again after all of this. The hearing loss is part of it, a big part. Not the only part that I need to master, but definitively one that I need much better skills at.

Again, thank you to everyone for your postings,
AD is an excellent site for you....there are many people here who have lost their hearing in so many different ways and situations. Some overnight (as I did)...some progressively slow....some born deaf....so we welcome you to the site!
how old are you? And welcome to AD! Im fairly new too, so I understand the slight confusion. I look forward to interacting with you more! have a good day:)
how old are you? And welcome to AD! Im fairly new too, so I understand the slight confusion. I look forward to interacting with you more! have a good day:)

Hi Annaclare,

Sent you a msg.
