Hello I'm new and need some advice


New Member
Jul 30, 2008
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Hey,I have a severe hearing loss that has affected me since birth I have a severe bilateral sensorynueral hearing loss that has finally gotten to the point that it has affected my abilty to communicate .I have been trying to get my ssi for about 2 years and its has been a up hill battel. my question is what chances dose a person with this type of barrier have realalistically receving these benefits.since I have lost my ability to effectively work in the hearing world and I dont have any skills living in a deaf community since I dont have any sign language skills.The main way I communicate is reading lips.but I do have my speech intact because my condition didnt start until about 2nd grade and I grew up in a crowded house with alot of other siblings so my disabilty isnt very noticabel.this condition I have was genetic on my fathers side.I'm just looking for any answers anyone could give me.and I appreciate any help anyone has.Thanks Fred
You could get a job that does not rely on hearing. :hmm:
You still can get a job no matter what if your deaf or hard of hearing or hearing or blind or anything. You can be part in Deaf Community, you're welcome to. Just don't worry :)

Just wanted to say;

:welcome: to alldeaf and enjoy your stay!
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Hope you will obtain the answers you are searching for and good luck. Enjoy this fun forum. :)
I am hearing, but I must say the deaf community has been the most accepting of me and other people, than any other that I have seen. My almost boyfriend that I met on this site, is deaf and he seems to be a great guy. My suggestion is to learn ASL and keep working
:welcome: to AD!

Why cant u continue to work in a hearing environment? Just curious.

U can learn ASL and start going to Deaf events. :)
you can do anything

heres a story I went to a cafe and the cashier I noticed after awhile was completely blind yet he was able to feel the ridges of the coins the total was a dollar 76 I handed him 2 susan b anthony coins he right off the bat knew what they were and he was real friendly and gave me back exact change it was so cool, for the hearing stuff I did and still do security work for various places and been doing it for three months not once did I have to work with someone or with the property I was protecting I made sure no one came onto the lot that was it. you could look into that field if you want.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Just follow what all the ADers had said to you. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
thanks guys the reason I'm having such a hard time is that Ive been working in the art service industry for 20 years but it seems the work is in decline so I have tried to reinvent myself trying towork in various jobs such as security tried to get a cdl licence but couldnt pass the physical.plus I have taken jobs without given full discloser of how severe my condition is which lately all has ended in complete embaressment for me because the barriers I still havent found a way to overcome yet. I do wear powerful hearing aids in both ears and that makes hearing in a crowded enviorment nearly Impossibel.me reaching out to you guys is new to me and I dont have any friends that know whats its like to be stuck inside of your self and I'm trying to cope as best as I can.I just havent learned yet how.Fred
thanks guys the reason I'm having such a hard time is that Ive been working in the art service industry for 20 years but it seems the work is in decline so I have tried to reinvent myself trying towork in various jobs such as security tried to get a cdl licence but couldnt pass the physical.plus I have taken jobs without given full discloser of how severe my condition is which lately all has ended in complete embaressment for me because the barriers I still havent found a way to overcome yet. I do wear powerful hearing aids in both ears and that makes hearing in a crowded enviorment nearly Impossibel.me reaching out to you guys is new to me and I dont have any friends that know whats its like to be stuck inside of your self and I'm trying to cope as best as I can.I just havent learned yet how.Fred

Disclosure can be tricky, and timing is the key. The problem with disclosing too soon is that you risk not being hired or even getting the interview. But by not disclosing when you are offered a job, it does away with your right to request accommodations in the future. And, by not disclosing and requesting accommodations, it is very difficult to prove discrimination in hiring or firing.
Hello :) .. I am sure.... someone here will help you ! :D
Howdy, I've had hearing problems since I was a kid and have worked outside. It is harder because you have to deal with the embarrassment of not hearing what people say correctly, not understanding, co-worker's thinking you are a snob because you don't reply to them because you couldn't hear them, customers getting angry, and the list goes on.

Like you, I do not know sign language. I have not applied to SSI because I feel I can make more money with a job, despite all the troubles I go through. just makes me stronger. However, if hearing aids are your problem, the Department of Rehabilitation helped me get my new on top of the line hearing aids that automatically switch modes according to my environment. For instance, if I am in a crowded place, the hearing aids make the background noise less, and the voice I am trying to listen to, louder. I noticed you live in Illinois so I did some research for resources. I will send them in your PM box.

thanks guys the reason I'm having such a hard time is that Ive been working in the art service industry for 20 years but it seems the work is in decline so I have tried to reinvent myself trying towork in various jobs such as security tried to get a cdl licence but couldnt pass the physical.plus I have taken jobs without given full discloser of how severe my condition is which lately all has ended in complete embaressment for me because the barriers I still havent found a way to overcome yet. I do wear powerful hearing aids in both ears and that makes hearing in a crowded enviorment nearly Impossibel.me reaching out to you guys is new to me and I dont have any friends that know whats its like to be stuck inside of your self and I'm trying to cope as best as I can.I just havent learned yet how.Fred