Hello - I'm new and in a strange situation! :)

welcome to AD gang. Dont worry about it and we won't bite ya ;)
I understand how you are feeling. I am hearing as well and at first felt like this forum was for deaf or HOH only. However, I have been in the culture before and lean on the experience that these are people too and as long as you care about the people, the auditory abilities are not as important. I look forward to getting to know you and others in the forum. Hopefully, maybe, we can meet for coffee sometime. You never know where God might lead you!
:wave: Welcome to AD MellyBell :D

Your right sign is so functional even for hearing people, long distances (like you said), threw glass windows, or when you have to be quiet. Not to mention its fun :) just like everyone here at AD. :) So I hope your now comfortable to start posting.
Welcome Mellybell. My husband is from Six Lakes, MI. Do you know where that is? Beautiful rural areas up there. We're now in FL. I'm from WV originally. You might benefit from DeafTube.com or YouTube.com. When you go to YouTube just be creative about what you put in the search engine like, the name of a song with ASL next to it, or songs asl or deaf, you know stuff like that. Deaf Tube is great practice trying to read ASL.