Hello from Holly


New Member
Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all,

I just realized I never did come in here and introduce myself. :wave:

I registered under another username (thephantomsgirl) when I first joined, but then the server crash messed that up. I didn't have that many posts anyway- mostly just in the "Looking for ASL Buddies" thread. So re-registered with this username.

My name is Holly and I am hearing. I took ASL 1 about 15 years ago in college. It was a challenge for me as I am primarily an auditory learner. I was over-extended at the time between work and school and I didn't rise up to the challenge.

I'm going to try again. I've been studying online and from books, but that just isn't enough. I am starting an ASL for beginners class next week. It will be taught by a Deaf instructor, which I feel is important. That way I feel I'll get ASL not PSE. Think it might be a little eye-opening too - how must a Deaf student feel when no one speaks their language, yet expects them to catch on?

My reasons for wanting to learn ASL are numerous and varied. It'd be a long discourse and I tend to be long-winded as it is... :laugh2:

Nice to meet all of you. I've been reading through the other sections, and there are many of you that I feel I know you a little from your posts. :ty:
Thanks Kevin G., Rockdrummer, and Rockin' Robin! I sort of "know" all three of you from your posts.:wave:
Hopefully you won't hold that against me... :lol:


Seriously, I like knowing all kinds of opinions. I may not agree with everything that I see, but I darn well want to have the opportunity for other points of view. How else can we learn and grow?

Hello back at you! :wave:

I'm trying to participate more in the forum, rather than just lurking.

Also took me awhile because I was always told that one should wait awhile in a forum before jumping in and chatting away. 'Netiquette you know....
That's what I did Holly, It was a bit awkward for me because there aren't many people on the forum from England. I don't know much about America ! Kevin.
Thanks Rootseeker!

KevinG - And I don't know much about England. It's cool to be able to learn about all different places. I've noticed people from all over on this forum.

Then sometimes people are right near. I got to meet someone from the forum who lives near me, and we're going together to a Silent Dinner on Friday.
Hi Shel90 - I know you from the forum - and how terrific you look! (saw the photos you posted) Now if I can get going on a little weight loss...or a whole lot! It's not easy when you get older.
:wave: there!
am now hoh. I worked with Deaf kids and staff in a Summer program in college, then took a college course but it was taught by a hearing man. Recently completed ASL 2. Have enjoyed the Deaf socials I've gone to!
am very visual learner myself.