Hello Everyone, I am not Deaf my sister is (This is a WOW moment)


New Member
Apr 4, 2011
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I have been going through a personal situation involving beginning the process of dealing with a rape in my life 20 years. As a result of this, I have been doing a ton of writing, and painting, sometimes for days at a time. Paintings that seem like they would only take an hour take 10 or 12 etc.

I decided to do a painting on people who are deaf or hard of hearing the other day in order to lighten the mood somewhat. Well, I spoke with my sister about and described to her what I was doing. We talked some and then she went her merry way and I started painting. The goal of the painting was to capture the lack of understanding the hearing world to the everyday things in verbal communication that you all miss out on. That puts up a wall between us.

So, I finish and post the painting to my facebook page, and frankly I thought it was one of my worst paintings, and I was kind of pissed because I felt like I did not capture what I was trying to express. And my sister had not commented on it either, so I was pissed about that also, because this was for her as much as it was for me.

So, quick background here, I have of course been her brother all my life, and I have been eager to understand this relationship between her and I in regards to verbal communication, however....I have never been to any of her doctor appointments, never seen medical charts on deaf people....nothing at all.

So, I ask my sister last night why she did not comment. She said, I did not know it was up, I will go look now. She came back 5 minutes later and said "David, do you realize you have drawn a deaf graph"? I was like what is that? She explained that it is a graph which shows the tones etc that a person can and cannot hear.

I still feel like I have alot I can more clearly express in a painting of this sort, but I am going to leave this one alone, it is just another avenue that bonds me even closer to my sister.


Picture can be found here. If you would like me as a facebook friend just holler.
hearing | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. With your sister to explained what is going on in the Deaf Culture (also meaning Deaf World). You have a lot to learn about our deafness, Deaf Culture and our deaf perspectives including hard of hearing. So get busy and learn from us. :)

I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:

i would have a really great grasp already with the deaf side of life, seeing as how I have been very close and protective with my sister all her life. Then I had a deaf child with my exwife whose teachers we had to educate on deafness. I have a very good grasp on the issues they face, but am welcome to learning more, and if it seems a painting might be in the mix, I am all for it :)
i would have a really great grasp already with the deaf side of life, seeing as how I have been very close and protective with my sister all her life. Then I had a deaf child with my exwife whose teachers we had to educate on deafness. I have a very good grasp on the issues they face, but am welcome to learning more, and if it seems a painting might be in the mix, I am all for it :)

`This seems to completely contradict your first post.
the painting is up, what you all take away from it is up to you. I did it from a positive perspective and I hope you enjoy it, and pick up something positive on the way :)

Cheers Everyone