Heaven gained a beautiful Angel- Darlin Tweety


Active Member
Apr 29, 2003
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I received the news that Michie (Michelle Davis) aka TweetyBird (AOL SN) known as Darlin Tweety on here passed away from heart attack. :(

We met and chatted lots in AOL Deaf chat room then I got to know her more personally in ********** and Other websites as well as on here, AllDeaf.com and we met in person real life at ASD reunion in Heber Springs, AR several years ago. I was so glad to meet her in person. She was very bubbly online and in life. Very sweet lady!

So shocked as it was unexpected. Now she's with her Dad and her beloved dog Panda. Not in pains anymore and is free from suffering with health problems for many years.

Fly high my dear friend. I will miss you so much!!!. ILY! ((((( 'j' Michie 'j'))))

May God be with all of her family and friends in the difficult times ahead.
Wirelessly posted (ZTE X501 Phone/Asus Tablet)

Freaky Cat said:
I received the news that Michie (Michelle Davis) aka TweetyBird (AOL SN) known as Darlin Tweety on here passed away from heart attack. :(

We met and chatted lots in AOL Deaf chat room then I got to know her more personally in ********** and Other websites as well as on here, AllDeaf.com and we met in person real life at ASD reunion in Heber Springs, AR several years ago. I was so glad to meet her in person. She was very bubbly online and in life. Very sweet lady!

So shocked as it was unexpected. Now she's with her Dad and her beloved dog Panda. Not in pains anymore and is free from suffering with health problems for many years.

Fly high my dear friend. I will miss you so much!!!. ILY! ((((( 'j' Michie 'j'))))

May God be with all of her family and friends in the difficult times ahead.

RIP, and may she watch over her family.
Oh really? is it person from Alabama and graduated from Alabama School for the Deaf?
No, it is from Arkansas School for the Deaf.

FC, I am very sorry for your loss. I never knew Michelle at all in real life. I have texted L.P. and let her know.
No Dixie she graduated from California school for the Deaf at Riverside in 1989.
No Dixie she graduated from California school for the Deaf at Riverside in 1989.

Ah, thanks for the correction. I thought she might have been ASD Alum and I did not know. When you said she had gone to the ASD reunion in Heber Springs, I thought she was a part of the ASD Alumni. My apologies.
No, it is from Arkansas School for the Deaf.

FC, I am very sorry for your loss. I never knew Michelle at all in real life. I have texted L.P. and let her know.

Thanks Dixie. She was well known and loved by everyone who knew her. I'm gonna miss her vlogs as she always let us know what's going on with her. :-(
Oh wow...I remember her. She was sweet. She was so happy to marry her long time sweetheart. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. :hug:
I do remember her from long time ago and sometime I saw her posts every now and then when someone put old posts in the forum. I don't know much about TweetyBird's life. Yeah, I do remember her bubbly comments in most of her posts. I am sorry that she had a heart attack and that now she is resting in peace.

May she walked in peace into the Spirit World and to be joined with her love ones like her father and her dog. My condolence to her family and her friends. :(
I'm devastated... just devastated. I will truly miss Michie. She was beautiful and was loved by many, she had no enemies since she was always upbeat and loving. She was my Mom's best friend and we used to live in Barstow together. Michelle babysat me often and taught me how to swim in the water. I was terrified but she was even more stubborn than I was, I remember smiling at the sky as I floated in the water on my back, she made me feel safe since she never let go of me. I viewed her as my second mother when I was a child.

I will miss her presence on my Facebook, she always complimented me and laughed at my silly updates. Many of her comments on my Facebook ended with "ILY!!!"

ILY you too Michie :(

I'm so sorry...

... but I will see you someday and we will be cracking jokes like old times.
My condolences to her passing. :(
What was her AD username? I must be confused because I thought you were speaking of Tweetbird who lived in Alabama.
Sorry to hear about this and my condolences to her passing. :(