*heartborken* need help

DzRikku said:
i wanna to ask u guys ....today my ex bf told me something very shocked that it hurt my heart so badly....since i have a new boyfriend...i love my new boyfriend so much...anyways...my ex bf *himself is heavy christian* he said that if i curse like damn on my new boyfriend..our new relationship wud be ruin and also this is very fucking hurtful i ever hear in my whole life!!!!!! my ex bf told me that he havent told me for straight 2 yrs..*that is how long we have been together*...that god told him or his mom first or whatever...that i cant get pregency cuz i dont follow god 100% and also he said that i have a barren!!!!! how cruel of him, for straight 2 yrs sperm in me and he knew abt it all along.....and i didnt know abt it and i was so exciting abt getting pregency but end up failed always negative....since any of u guys who do have barren...is there any ways i can get pregency??? barren means cant get baby at all and also he said there no way doctors can do anything to make me get pregency i mean to make my ovary to work so i can get pregency....it hurt me soo deepily that it like knife stab my heart now i become cold toward him.....what shud i do? i need help....i really wanna to have kid in future....*sighs*

Ur ex is very fucking heavy HYPOCRITE. "Heavy" Christian isn't allowed to judge and jealous. Over my dead body. Tell him that. He needs to go to the mental hospital.