Hearing student that needs some help please


New Member
Dec 14, 2010
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I am in a basic sign langue class and I have a final coming up in a few days, what I need to do is to stand up in front of my class and sign a story but I have a slight issue, my professor ended up missing half of the semester so no one has the slightest idea of how to present a story in ASL and not signed english so most of us are getting help online so if someone could help me translate this story in to ASL format it would be great

My first time driving alone with my friend Sarah I was 17 and she was 15. We drove for about 4 hours on all back roads, and before we new it we where in vermont. When we turned around to head back home my car stoped, No gas.What could we do stuck in vermont with broken car? I called my parents, no answer, She called her parents, no answer. We walked around looking for a gas station we couldnt find one...So we ended up spending the night in my car playing games untill morning when my parents came to help.

Thanks to any and all in advace.
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