Hearing Loss Effects Mental Well Being?


New Member
Oct 19, 2003
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URL: http://heartheworld.com/faq.html

Can a hearing loss effect my mental well being?

Yes. We all know that if you have a hearing loss, it is difficult to understand speech. What is not sufficiently appreciated is that a patient's emotional and mental state may also be affected by the erratic and disrupted communication patterns caused by hearing loss. A patient with hearing loss is four times as likely to manifest psychological disturbances than a person with normal hearing. There is also evidence that hearing loss can exacerbate the behavioral picture of patients with Alzheimer's and other cognitive disorders, affecting memory, alertness, and general ability to cope, beyond the expected limiting factors of the disorder without the presence of hearing loss. Thus, while hearing loss is invisible, the effects are not.
Whats the real motivation of that researcher? Just to destroy deaf world, by making it look real and serious?

I just don't like the idea of encourage hearing people to despise on deaf world! So, if they think this way, then FUCK OFF! :madfawk:
It's not about the deaf-world....it's about how the hearing health/rehabilativatists view being dhh.....Oh lordy,lordy......check out the SHHH boards....they are FILLED with people who think being dhh is a horrible thing....