Hearing Loop Technology

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This would be great! I would love one. I am hearing impaired since birth and wear two hearing aids. Thanks for sharing this concept related information..
You can get neck loops that plug into your ipod, computer etc. I also have one like the one described in the article, which involves placing a loop of wire around the entire room pinned under the carpet, this is then connected to an amplifier which you can adjust to a level at which you can hear, without disturbing other people who are also watching the TV. My church also has one of these installed which is connected to the microphones on the lecterns. I use both types, although it is very old technology, they are very effective.
Like djchur, I've installed a loop in my home (two, in fact, for different areas of my house). Very effective. I can have the computer, stereo or TV blasting away on the loop and nobody else in the house can hear a thing. I'm also free to wander around the room as I'm not connected to any wires, and the sound level is the same wherever I am inside the loop. The only thing to be aware of is that if I bend my head down (say to pick something off the floor) the sound level does change - this is because loops vary depending on the angle of your hearing aids. In the UK, there is now a remote controlled loop EchoSL Loop Amplifier - Action On Hearing Loss: RNID
That remote control loop sounds like a good idea. I find that sometimes when I change channels on the TV I have to adjust the volume on the loop. With a remote control I could do all that without leaving my chair!