Have any women here have their tubes tied?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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OK, Jeremy and I went to see my OB/GYNO dr. on June 13th. We was talking about the IUD and tubes tied. He gave us more information on both of them. We decided not to go with the IUD because of the risks plus Jeremy and I have been having a long talk about it. We are done having two kids..we wanted a boy and a girl so we got it. So I talked with my dr about the tubes tied and he said it's fine and it's my decision and choice. He said women have to be 21 and over here to have the produrce done. So, he said that six weeks before the baby's born, I would have to sign the papers and etc. Then wait until after 6 weeks check up after the baby's born to see if everything's fine then set up the date for the surgery.

I would love to hear your experience with the surgery and etc.

Thanks! :ily:
My mother had her tubes tied after my brother were born. I dont know the effects really except her period is kinda of heavy all the time but I dont know if it from that or it her normal period So it good idea to see all side effect this could cause...or Psst you could ask jermey to get his *ahem* snap off. Just an suggestion :D
Yes, I had mine done in 2000 after turning 33. It was incredibly painful but worth it. It requires a lot of serious thinking. It is for LIFE so the clinic asked me hard questions.

No regrets 5 years later.
I had mine done also and I didn't have to wait to get my tubes tied, I had it right after labor....Yeah it was painful and I haven't had the worse cramps until after I got my tubes tied ...
Shiva said:
My mother had her tubes tied after my brother were born. I dont know the effects really except her period is kinda of heavy all the time but I dont know if it from that or it her normal period So it good idea to see all side effect this could cause...or Psst you could ask jermey to get his *ahem* snap off. Just an suggestion :D

LoL, yeah! Jeremy said he plans on getting his fixed also. He wants to suffer the pain along with me because I am the one that carried the babies. :lol:

Jeremy is going to be 27 and I am going to be 22 in July so our plans after having the kids to get a house and a suv then planning to adopt 2 dogs from the shelter. We have other goals and etc that we want to be achieved also. No regrets of having 2 kids sooner.. perfect.. a boy and a girl!

I feel that Nathan and my unborn daughter Miranda just completed our whole lives and saw no need to have any more kids.
^Angel^ said:
I had mine done also and I didn't have to wait to get my tubes tied, I had it right after labor....Yeah it was painful and I haven't had the worse cramps until after I got my tubes tied ...

Yeah, cramps do sucks! I used to have worse cramps until I was on the pill due to my bad experience with the Depo shot in 2002.. the cramps wasn't that worse anymore.
aww how sweet and smart jermey for be brave enough to do this just for YOU....He is right you suffer more than HE has when having baby lol...
I had mine done on Feb. 16th of this year. It was the day after I had my son. I didn't have much pain at all. And what little I did have was taken care of with some Tylenol. 6 wk visit she looked at my incision and said everything was fine.
Know what.. just found out that my tubes fell out.. and rolling away down the yellow brick path road..

JK :giggle: :laugh2:
wow very interesting because here in Germany is different.

Every healthy insurance companies accord German law do not support this idea until they are 40 or over years old because alot of young women change their mind to have babies few years later. It's waste of money to untie the tube.

Yes, they have their tied down for some reasons, (pregnancy risk) not that you don't want any babies anymore because you will always change your mind for have baby again anytime few years later.
I got mine tied 11 years ago after my second child was born. I'm still alive now, so I guess that's good news! Hee!
Lieb, Interesting your german's law and cultures.. wow pretty quite different from here.
Some of women who change their mind around their age 40's.. When get old fart lady turns tired fast due kids steal your energy.. *I would say ouch* (chuckles) I'd rather not have another child when I'm getting overhill... Hell no way.. All I want retire when I turn 43's Rest of my children become their own responbile and also might be gone to college or university... I'll be freeeeeeeeeeeeeee *varrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooom blast wild time back my ages again* (chuckles)

back topic...

I'd rather not have tie my tube due risky seen some women who got cancer because of that tied tube.. I'm very very afraid and concern about health. So I'd rather my man may have vasemonty! Unfortanally My man refused goforth for vasemonty which he's very very afraid of vasemonty and cut on their bare skin. *rolls my eyes up*
Bullym0m said:
Some of women who change their mind around their age 40's.. When get old fart lady turns tired fast due kids steal your energy.. *I would say ouch* (chuckles) I'd rather not have another child when I'm getting overhill... Hell no way.. All I want retire when I turn 43's Rest of my children become their own responbile and also might be gone to college or university... I'll be freeeeeeeeeeeeeee *varrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooom blast wild time back my ages again* (chuckles)

Oh yeah, absolutely... I can't wait to be on my own life !! They took my engery so much !! ;)

I'd rather not have tie my tube due risky seen some women who got cancer because of that tied tube.. I'm very very afraid and concern about health.

I never heard of this ! My mother hadn't tube ties. She had her ovaries cancer. *perplexe me*
Bullym0m said:
Lieb, Interesting your german's law and cultures.. wow pretty quite different from here.
Some of women who change their mind around their age 40's.. When get old fart lady turns tired fast due kids steal your energy.. *I would say ouch* (chuckles) I'd rather not have another child when I'm getting overhill... Hell no way.. All I want retire when I turn 43's Rest of my children become their own responbile and also might be gone to college or university... I'll be freeeeeeeeeeeeeee *varrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooom blast wild time back my ages again* (chuckles)

LOL Bullym0m

I rather travel and enjoy my life first before buy dream house and start and enjoy family later.
know what, i asked OB/GYN abt tying tube if it able to become a cancer.. dr says NOOOO.. not that from tube .. have nothing to do with tubes.. only fallipop , ovaries, cervix , others!! ..

he said there no cancer for tying tubes.. eh? so can you explain to me more clear abt it, Bullmom.. *puzzling*

After me and my boyfriend set down on place to live this year.. then i will set the appointment up for TYING TUBE since i lost baby *misscarriaged* .. so my blood dr dont wanna me tryin 2nd chance.. since it high risk while i having serious risk lupus and other 4 diseases so i have to go ahead and do tying tubes sometimes this year after we set down first...

so we will adopting newborn or 2 newborns :) next year or 2 years later!

I want one more! :sadwave: been trying for 4 and a half years now. I know I shouldn't post this in here since I haven't gotten my tube tied.. but just wanted to get your attention!!! :laugh2: