Has anyone been on cruises before?

Raging Quiet said:
I went on a P&O cruise last year in November, it was great!

It was a 9 day cruise, I sunbathed most of the time and went swimming. They had wonderful entertainment in the evenings, plus lots of activities during the day like yoga, tennis, jogging and lots of other sports. They do tours of the ship, competitions, food tasting sessions and art auctions as well.

They also do lessons so that you can learn new things while you are on holiday, you can learn to massage, how to look after your hands, etc!

The food is excellent, we had 6 courses every night, so I was very full all the time and put on weight, thats why they provide so many sport activities on board!

The only disadvantage about the cruise was that I got a bit seasick, people told me that because the ship is so big, you won't feel the rocking motion of the sea, but it got very rough at times, walking around was a nightmare, but it was really fun especially in high heels! (It was good practice!) Please don't let that put you off, it wasn't rough all the time!!

Go! You and your husband will definately enjoy it. The holiday will give you a big break from housework, as you get a cabin steward and they do EVERYTHING for you.

OMG, high heels on swaying decks. LOL I think I will wear flat heeled shoes. ;) The cruise we're looking at has a ballroom style type like the Titanic, and it has plenty of lifeboats btw. :P

What housework? :lol: More likely, it would give us a big break from doing heavy duty renovation and gutting of our new house and some prison time served at the school here. We might consider the trip a celebration of all the accomplished goals we've culiminated in the last few years of our lives.. our wedding, school, life, my birthday, etc etc. Who knows?

Thanks for sharing your experiences-- I am more afraid that my husband will be green around the gills than I am for myself. Hehehe... I was born with water in my veins.
Tousi said:
Was on a 2 night/three day cruise about 15 years ago. Will go on a 7 day cruise this June after the bowling tournament in Hawaii. The cruise is a cruise of all the Hawaiian islands. Only problem with the Hawaii cruise is that the ship does not get out into international waters; therefore the casino will stay dark.

Lisa, the cruise lines, generally speaking, put heavy emphasis on food. I think this is a smart way to break up the monotony of the water. They feed you 4 times a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner and a midnight meal when they bring out all their wonderful ice sculptures for all to admire. On most cruises, y'all get to eat dinner with the Captain once... Of course, they also have many shipboard activities for you to indulge in......remember to tip personnel who cater to your every need: Your cabin person, your wine steward, etc, etc.... Well, I don't think I really gave you anything to think about as the things I mentioned are pretty standard.......Oh, watch out for icebergs! :thumb:

*looks around* Lisa who? :lol:

Thanks for your input on cruises... I have my suspicions that you go on cruises for the buffets, too. ;) LOL It seems like we'll do a lot of dancing to burn all these calories from the buffet.

If the Captain is eating with us, who is at the wheels? :eek: hehe just kidding, I know there'll be somebody sucker enough to do that anyway.

Hmm, tip? Don't they earn enough from their salaries? LOL In Norway, it's not necessary to tip, and I have never seen anyone leaving a tip at the restaurants.. but who knows? If they have a policy on tipping, and the service IS good enough to warrant it.. I'm open to tipping. After all, I'm American born. :)
Y said:
Cruise from NYC to Bermuda; you get plenty
of food for the entire week it's cheaper than
go to hotel and pay more for food... I actually
enjoy so much when we both finally arrived
at the Bermuda island and then
"tool around" the island and a small town using
the moped bikes and go jetskiing nearby etc...

Most important things to remember:
Bring your own passport and know exactly
what time the cruise will leave Bermuda !!!

Nice idea! LOL OFC we will take our passports with us, and keep track of the timetables. :thumb:

We'll probably explore the city of Kiels in Germany, and the cruise is an overnighter... but we'll look at more cruises that can sail longer than that.

Thanks for sharing your input! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
Cheri said:
I never been on a cruise before :( But, I hope somedays I would go with someone special. ;)

There's a group discount on cruises, methinks.. maybe have the AD cacus on a cruise? HEHE... that way you wont feel alone, chick. In any case I hope you find someone special who treats you right AND pays for the cruise trip. :)
If you really wanna see europe fly to London, England on august 28th stay 2 days at hotel, Then take the cruise back home. Look here!!
ravensteve1961 said:
If you really wanna see europe fly to London, England on august 28th stay 2 days at hotel, Then take the cruise back home. Look here!!

That's awesome, but I live in Europe. LOL
I been on a few cruises last year and I rather be the only deafie on the ship.
More peaceful that way.

Ooops, sorry, Liza; I spazzed there, didn't I? Hehe
I honestly don't see anything wrong with what Ravensteve said but whatever anyways back on the topic, I haven't been on a cruises before, but I hope I will someday with Roadrunner *grins*....
We went on small bruise around the Boston city last summer. It was so beautiful to view and the food was awesome.

I never have had been to cruise before. I heard, there is DeafCruise in May in several islands this year of 2005.

I preferred to save money for my son's graudation, wedding and honeymoon.
I went on 11 days cruise in 1999 with my family. I was on Sea Princess Cruise. We went south to Grand Cayman Island, Jamaica, Cartagena(south america) , thru Panama Canal, Costa Rica, and Mexico. It was one of my most favorite memory in my entire life. It really depends on what type of cruise you go on. On the cruise that we were on, they HAD everything! They had magic show, many performances, casino, basketball court, aerobic, fitness center, arcade, swimming pool, hot tub, and so much more. It was like living a luxury life. You get to dress up for every dinner every night. People there were so friendly.. especially those foreginer employees. I know you will really enjoy it... it lets you to be laid back and enjoy the luxury. The most important thing is to be sure to come back on the ship on time. :) Hope you'll enjoy your trip!
ravensteve1961 said:
Then Come to america like columbus did.

Is that the only Italian explorer you know of having visited America? :lol:

If you asked me about my background, then you would know that I am an American. I used to live in Hawaii, Maryland, and Washington DC before moving to Europe. Perhaps you should move to Europe for a year or two to broaden your horizons, then move back to USA a mite more cultured. :) Oui, c'est la vie.. as you like it. However duly overused that phrase is.

A little friendly aloha from me in Europe to you. :)
^Angel^ said:
I honestly don't see anything wrong with what Ravensteve said but whatever anyways back on the topic, I haven't been on a cruises before, but I hope I will someday with Roadrunner *grins*....

Is there something in the air? :twisted: I hope you and RR get to take a cruise one day, too! Always a first time for everything. Maybe go on your next anniversary or birthday?

Hey... I'm okay with what Oceanbreeze and Ravensteve said. :ily: Gives people an opportunity to know me more (ravensteve), and how friends care about me (oceanbreeze). ;)

Wow, everyone is interested in cruises! Like I said before... should think about having AD gathering on a cruise. ;)
Roam4Life said:
I went on 11 days cruise in 1999 with my family. I was on Sea Princess Cruise. We went south to Grand Cayman Island, Jamaica, Cartagena(south america) , thru Panama Canal, Costa Rica, and Mexico. It was one of my most favorite memory in my entire life. It really depends on what type of cruise you go on. On the cruise that we were on, they HAD everything! They had magic show, many performances, casino, basketball court, aerobic, fitness center, arcade, swimming pool, hot tub, and so much more. It was like living a luxury life. You get to dress up for every dinner every night. People there were so friendly.. especially those foreginer employees. I know you will really enjoy it... it lets you to be laid back and enjoy the luxury. The most important thing is to be sure to come back on the ship on time. :) Hope you'll enjoy your trip!

LOL... that sounds wonderful! I'm had you had the opportunity to go on such a beautiful cruise like that. *envious*

Yes, you're right, it depends on the type of cruise you choose. The ones we're looking at seem to be simple with a ballroom, nightclubs, resturants, duty free shops, kids' playground, etc etc. What kind of cabin did you stay at? First class, or..? Was it comforable enough for you?
Liza said:
Is there something in the air? :twisted: I hope you and RR get to take a cruise one day, too! Always a first time for everything. Maybe go on your next anniversary or birthday?

Hey... I'm okay with what Oceanbreeze and Ravensteve said. :ily: Gives people an opportunity to know me more (ravensteve), and how friends care about me (oceanbreeze). ;)

Wow, everyone is interested in cruises! Like I said before... should think about having AD gathering on a cruise. ;)

I care about Liza very much. :)

Anyway, Liza...

You might find this interesting. My Dad has been looking online for deals on cruises. He wants to cruise parts of Europe! :lol: Gotta evaluate the funds first, but he's looking at possibly going later in the year. I'm looking forward to it, because, it'll be three weeks without them around! :rofl:
Liza said:
LOL... that sounds wonderful! I'm had you had the opportunity to go on such a beautiful cruise like that. *envious*

Yes, you're right, it depends on the type of cruise you choose. The ones we're looking at seem to be simple with a ballroom, nightclubs, resturants, duty free shops, kids' playground, etc etc. What kind of cabin did you stay at? First class, or..? Was it comforable enough for you?

We stayed in a cabin that had a balconey view. We got to watch the sunset everyday becuz we were facing west. :) We got to see what is out there in the ocean while sailing south. We did saw sea turtle and dolphins. Yes , it was comfortable for us. But we didn't really stay in the cabin that much. Except for the days that we were on the sea. So, it didn't really matter though. The main reason you need a cabin is to sleep, shower, and change clothes. ;)
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Liza said:
Is there something in the air? :twisted: I hope you and RR get to take a cruise one day, too! Always a first time for everything. Maybe go on your next anniversary or birthday?

Hey... I'm okay with what Oceanbreeze and Ravensteve said. :ily: Gives people an opportunity to know me more (ravensteve), and how friends care about me (oceanbreeze). ;)

Wow, everyone is interested in cruises! Like I said before... should think about having AD gathering on a cruise. ;)

It would be awesome to have AD gathering on a cruise one day, even if I haven't gone with RR, then it would be my chance going on one some day! ;)..
Yes definately get a cabin with a balcony, you will be missing out on so much if you don't!

I remember one time I went out onto the balcony quite late at night, and I spent ages watching the stars, it was so beautiful! The best thing was waking up in the morning and opening the curtains to see what the view was like, amazing!

Our cabin was really nice, have a pic somewhere...

The second picture is our ship


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Advoid taking Disney cruises. If you get on a disney cruise youre gonna put up with a lot of kids.