Hard of Hearing in College

That's actually what I think too. Sometimes I hate the fact that when I'm playing sports with hearing people they tend to go easy on me. I'm like really? I'm playing unmotivated...I have some hearing friends as best friends which are cool. Even though I don't talk much, most of my hearing friends think I'm cool through how I am.
Yeah if you're lucky you'll find those few people who are able to look past the hearing aids and etc. They're cool. It's just when people are ignorant is the problem. Some people act as if it's a disease and they might catch it by interacting with you. Heck some people are afraid to have children with people who have disabilities, with the fear that their children will have the same. The thing about this is that most HOH, Deaf, and other people with disabilities live normal lives. I like to play basketball too. I like to go to the movies. I like to play video games and things of that nature. It's crazy some of the attitudes I've seen though.
Yeah all that is true.
Sports, video games, and movies are fun. I don't really get tired of it unless I'm doing the same things over and over again.