hai there from TX

Haha, oh. Speaking of which what is your favorite genre of music?
I don't know. Deaf from birth remember? Cochlear aplasia, no sound at all. I like feel beat when beat is fast and steady.
Well i know that. But i mean certain types of music have more bass than others...like rap and techno have a lot of bass and beats, but say country or pop have more treble..
Authentic, Hearies only learn when we teach them!

Grace, that's true, but isn't genre we like. Is bass :)
My question for you...... gracieface;

Do you smell when your hearing friend spoke to you with a bad breath? If so, what was your reaction?

Do you hear when someone fart or burp ?

Were you able to sleep all night during the thunderstorm?

I like put my hands on speaker, feel vibration. No idea what song is, but feels good! Like dancing!
yes, and i offered them gum. i wasn't going to just go off and say something in front of everyone. i don't like embarrassing my friends...
i don't typically listen for that stuff because i have a hard time focusing on hearing more than one thing, if i do i shrug it off. just like i can't have much noise when reading or i get confused.
and, it depends. if it is a large one, one that shakes my whole house then no because i get scared, but if it is a small one i barely notice because i can't hear anything in my sleep...
I know you have a reason for asking me these things, but I don't think I understand it fully. Just like I don't understand what are and aren't dumb questions to ask. I am just trying to learn what my hearing ASL teachers cannot teach me...
Authentic just being silly, Grace. Asking silly questions with no purpose (how many Hearie questions feel to us).
Sunny, :) In all honesty, I love when a song has a strong enough beat that i can feel it in my whole body. It makes for easy dancing, even though I am a miserable dancer. Hah
My sister Season say I look like someone have seizure when I dance...LOL...it feels good so I dance anyway!
Sunny, thanks. And I've heard that before. :P school dances are a joke for my friends and me, usually, because all of us look ridiculous when dancing.
You and your sister have such unique names :) do you like having a name that is more uncommon?
I don't mind it. I always want name Jessica when I'm little, LOL. There five kids in my family, all weird names. Parents hippies!