Guild Wars


New Member
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Y'all should check Guild Wars, it's competing with Blizzard and WOW as best MMORPG game ever created.

One reason why Guild Wars is so freakin' awesome is that it DOESN"T REQUIRE A MONTHLY FEE AT ALL! That's freakin' awesome!
I play WoW and COH and my boyfriend just told me I should check out Guild Wars. What's so great about it, other than no monthly fee? Is it solo-friendly? Because I really don't like being forced to group, which is partly why I checked out Dungeons and Dragons Online and quickly said "no thanks." Is it fantasy-oriented or more science fiction?

Really the last thing I need is another game addiction but I am curious. :lol:
Well one of the reasons why its so awesome is that. Your victory or death all determine on your skills not hours played and also it is solo friendly with CPU henchmen able to assist you on your missions. It don't have a monthly fee, its simply beautiful to look at. It takes the best elements of MMORPG and creates a new genre CORPG or competive online role playing game it also booss a excellent PvP and PvE.
Well, I gave it a try last night since it turns out my boyfriend still had it on his computer. I'm not so sure about it yet but I tend to be very slow in getting used to a new game system. Coming from WoW it's very awkward because I'm not used to the commands yet. Also the manual doesn't explain a lot of things that I'm confused about.

Still, I'll probably give it another try. I think in the end I only need to be addicted to one fantasy MMO at a time, though...and I just hooked my best friend on WoW. :)
What you don't understand about the game, you should check out, it's very helpful with games and stuff like that.