got speeding ticket!

I'm hard of hearing....can hear very well and still practices on voices...

Right now there's new models comes with automanic trucks... and my work only have (13 manual) 1 auto truck..not a lot of power but easy to drive without shifting hehe

Oh that's interesting about new automatic in semi-truck.
You wanna know what I hate about semi truck drivers? They drive too fast on the slow lane and I have to speed up really fast to get in front of the semi truck or hit the brakes real hard to get in behind of the truck because I was on the SIDE of the truck when merging into the freeway. Many semi truck drivers go at 65-70 mph at night time on I-5. I also hate when they come up too close behind me and I was only going 60 mph on the slow lane and the truck comes up behind me at 65 mph and passes me.
Yeah I can see a lot of lead footers out there, drivers tend to go as fast as 80-90mph on freeways. They just disregard the safety of themselves and other people's lives. I just simply follow the limit while sometime go 5-10mph over on the freeway. Cops are sneaky and it's their job to catch those speeders and give them ticket. I can't blame them but same time I know it's hassle but that's the price we gotta pay. Ticket, plus insurance will go up once they find out your driving record. In my 13 years driving and about 200,000 miles, I've had only 3 accidents (1 parking, 1 freeway traffic which is both my fault and one non-fault when a guy ran a light and hit me on the rear side. And only one ticket.

As stated by General, I've seen millions times driver cuts off the truckers by inches and it's dangerous. I can't seem to understand why they do that and not being courteous to truckers and give them room. Truckers do their job delivering goods and they never do any harm to other people. And I agree that truckers doing 80-90mph is out of their minds. Not only for the safety risk, they also burn more fuel and pushing the motor to do hard work.

Seems people don't think twice when they drive.... all I could do is keep eye focused on road and follow speed with caution ;)

My .02 cents
Yeah I can see a lot of lead footers out there, drivers tend to go as fast as 80-90mph on freeways. They just disregard the safety of themselves and other people's lives. I just simply follow the limit while sometime go 5-10mph over on the freeway. Cops are sneaky and it's their job to catch those speeders and give them ticket. I can't blame them but same time I know it's hassle but that's the price we gotta pay. Ticket, plus insurance will go up once they find out your driving record. In my 13 years driving and about 200,000 miles, I've had only 3 accidents (1 parking, 1 freeway traffic which is both my fault and one non-fault when a guy ran a light and hit me on the rear side. And only one ticket.

As stated by General, I've seen millions times driver cuts off the truckers by inches and it's dangerous. I can't seem to understand why they do that and not being courteous to truckers and give them room. Truckers do their job delivering goods and they never do any harm to other people. And I agree that truckers doing 80-90mph is out of their minds. Not only for the safety risk, they also burn more fuel and pushing the motor to do hard work.

Seems people don't think twice when they drive.... all I could do is keep eye focused on road and follow speed with caution ;)

My .02 cents

YEAH...GOT TO KEEP MY EYES:ugh: ON ALL SIDES FOR THOSE nitwits tries to cut me off... my company trucks (all trucks) has its limits mph 64... my boss/dispatcher has set its limits... most of us drivers went a 64mph cruise on that hwy 50 with less cars.. (only few cars drives by and pass us) that road is for big semi trucks but there's short cut (1 hour short cut) theres another hwy 95 to tonopah but we uses the hwy 50 because less traffics..

yeah another diffrent company didnt set the limits on their trucks.. i think they should set its limits to 65mph..but they didnt..i know i have see thse high speeds 80's mph pissed me off cuz they haul heavy loads+ no time to brake..i never had accident yet because im a good driver... but got first ticket recently... it happens!..cant expects everything...

We have problem with many truck drivers here, some of them are illegal immgrant drives those trucks and they scares me more because they do not care and even they sometime do not stop at the stop sign. They drive too fast on streets around here. So far I already had 4 window broke on my car from them.
Law is the law. As you the legal license holder of the truck license and that gives you the legal contract to drive any trucks on public road and STICK TO ANY TRAFFIC LAWS.

55mph MAXIMUM is the maximum speed limit you can drive a truck. A cop did his/her duty to all civic communities. Next time you plan, plan and plan your trip from one place to another and that wont get you late.

You broke the law and deal with your little minded consequences.

YEAH...GOT TO KEEP MY EYES:ugh: ON ALL SIDES FOR THOSE nitwits tries to cut me off... my company trucks (all trucks) has its limits mph 64... my boss/dispatcher has set its limits... most of us drivers went a 64mph cruise on that hwy 50 with less cars.. (only few cars drives by and pass us) that road is for big semi trucks but there's short cut (1 hour short cut) theres another hwy 95 to tonopah but we uses the hwy 50 because less traffics..

yeah another diffrent company didnt set the limits on their trucks.. i think they should set its limits to 65mph..but they didnt..i know i have see thse high speeds 80's mph pissed me off cuz they haul heavy loads+ no time to brake..i never had accident yet because im a good driver... but got first ticket recently... it happens!..cant expects everything...


Just slow down no matter if there are less cars on the road or not! Semi trucks are dangerous to drive than driving a car. If you get caught losing a load at high are going to cause a HUGE trouble to the company and you may get a permanent record that you will never ever drive a semi truck again. Semi trucks are not sports car or a nimble handling car, it's a BIG truck that pulls heavy things at a safe speed, isn't that hard to understand? Please be careful what you say. The cops have the right to pull you over because you were going too fast, end of story.
Law is the law. As you the legal license holder of the truck license and that gives you the legal contract to drive any trucks on public road and STICK TO ANY TRAFFIC LAWS.

55mph MAXIMUM is the maximum speed limit you can drive a truck. A cop did his/her duty to all civic communities. Next time you plan, plan and plan your trip from one place to another and that wont get you late.

You broke the law and deal with your little minded consequences.


The speed limit for semi trucks vary state to state. It's 60 mph in Washington state and 55 in Oregon, etc.
To be honest, semi trucks do make me nervous when I'm on the high way, not only because some of them speeds but part of it has to do with their sizes or the weight they carry while on the road knowing as if a semi truck lost control of it, the whole thing would topples over and smashes the car that a family may be in whether it from speeding or from any kind of road hazards, also semi truck drivers spend a long period of hours driving on the road while many will pull over to get a couple hours of sleep, while the others will keep going on until they fall alsleep on the wheel, I'm certainly not saying ALL semi truck drivers are like that, just a few maybe.
Law is the law. As you the legal license holder of the truck license and that gives you the legal contract to drive any trucks on public road and STICK TO ANY TRAFFIC LAWS.

55mph MAXIMUM is the maximum speed limit you can drive a truck. A cop did his/her duty to all civic communities. Next time you plan, plan and plan your trip from one place to another and that wont get you late.

You broke the law and deal with your little minded consequences.



Well, one over the max speed is speeding! so if police decides to stop you for going one mph over speed limit, he or she has right to stop you and give you ticket. That's the law. If you choose to go over that's your decision. However dont' complain if you get a ticket because that is your decision you made.

and as you said NEXT!!