Good looking and athletic(not deaf) guy searching for single deaf girl/lady


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
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:wave: I am totally new here. The reason why I made a profile here is that I am interested in getting new deaf friends, especially female friends. I haven't have much contact with deaf people, but I once had a deaf girlfriend in Estonia and I have never experienced something that beautiful, we loved each other like I have never loved anyone before.

From that relationship I got like an addiction of deaf girls. Maybe some think that my talk here is strange, but it's not. Those words come from deep in my heart and I really hope to find dream love that someone search all of their life, but I feel I can find it soon. Don't get me wrong I am not looking for that "perfect dream doll" who only exists in our mind. I have both legs on the ground

So anyone who feels interested can contact with me
I am 20 years old, very good looking, loving and caring family oriented person and again, I am not deaf. There are more information about me in my profile.

And everyone who have questions then these are warmly welcomed
:wave: I am totally new here. The reason why I made a profile here is that I am interested in getting new deaf friends, especially female friends. I haven't have much contact with deaf people, but I once had a deaf girlfriend in Estonia and I have never experienced something that beautiful, we loved each other like I have never loved anyone before.

From that relationship I got like an addiction of deaf girls. Maybe some think that my talk here is strange, but it's not. Those words come from deep in my heart and I really hope to find dream love that someone search all of their life, but I feel I can find it soon. Don't get me wrong I am not looking for that "perfect dream doll" who only exists in our mind. I have both legs on the ground

So anyone who feels interested can contact with me
I am 20 years old, very good looking, loving and caring family oriented person and again, I am not deaf. There are more information about me in my profile.

And everyone who have questions then these are warmly welcomed

This is not a dating site. Please go get help for her so-called addiction. I don't think anyone here is interested in what you have to offer. :roll:
This is not a dating site. Please go get help for her so-called addiction. I don't think anyone here is interested in what you have to offer. :roll:

You get it totally wrong, I am not offering sex if you thought so. Maybe yes the word addiction is wrong to describe it.
I just posted it here because the headline here was dating
Yea that's true that this headline is dating.

Wish you a lot of luck to find a lucky Deaf Gal. ;)

sorry, I am taken, and have two kiddos.
This is creepy and I bet you are just trying to get citizenship.
Riiiight. Markus from Estonian. A tiny country where people speak Estonian. Markus is a German name. A German name in a country formerly under German control? Hmmm.

Ok, who'd you steal the head shot from?
Well, I would suggest you to get to know deaf people here first. Let the ADers get to know you before you can find a right deaf girl from this site. It apparently that you are new to this site and the ADers don't know you well enough to trust. Trust is one thing or another.

Come here often and share your life, experiences and such with them before they can make up their mind. Let them get to know you -- alright ?

Good luck! :)
Well, I would suggest you to get to know deaf people here first. Let the ADers get to know you before you can find a right deaf girl from this site. It apparently that you are new to this site and the ADers don't know you well enough to trust. Trust is one thing or another.

Come here often and share your life, experiences and such with them before they can make up their mind. Let them get to know you -- alright ?

Good luck! :)

Yea I think you are right. Everyone are so distrustful at the beginning, some even think that I searching a girl only for citizenship (I don't even know if to laugh at this or to be sad). Shame to you, but I don't grudge it to you, because maybe I would think the same when I was you.

And thanks everybody who are supportive. I appreciate that ;)
Some would say that this is a little big headed and not at all attractive!

If you thought that I have such huge EGO, then I have to say you have understood me wrong, I am totally the other kind of person, and I don't like those big headed kind of people at all.
But if you think so then you have the right.... I can't do anything about it.

I just wish you everything beautiful ;)
Best of luck finding a deaf woman. I am taken.
Some would say that this is a little big headed and not at all attractive!
Yes but you on the other hand ARE very good looking. Or at least the picture in your avitar if that is you. I would even say georgous!!

Disclaimer: I am not hitting on you just stating the facts as I see them. I am a married man (and sometimes even happily :lol:)
Ma olen ka Eestist ja kuigi mul pole isiklikku kokkupuudet kurtidega hakkas mind mingite kokkusattumuste läbi nende kultuur huvitama. Huvitav on kedagi sarnast leida :)(kuigi kurdi poisi leidmine pole just eesmärgiks) Kas sa oskad viipekeelt? Kas kurdiga suhtes olemine on väga erinev kuuljatest? Igatahes edu sulle.. (Ma oletan et sa tead kõigest sellest rohkem. Mul oli üks klassiõde kes rääkis et toimuvad mingid kurtide ja kuuljate ü olen ise igat pidi kõik kohad internetis läbi otsinud aga ei leia, kas sa äkki tead midagi sellest?)

you shouldn't date someone just because she's deaf. you should date her for WHO she is.

i've only dated hearing men so far.. i didn't date them because they were hearing. i dated them because i was attracted to who they were.

it might be slightly better if i dated a deaf guy, because he'd know what being deaf is like and we can connect on that level.. but still, it's not the only reason to date someone.

you shouldn't date someone just because she's deaf. you should date her for WHO she is.

i've only dated hearing men so far.. i didn't date them because they were hearing. i dated them because i was attracted to who they were.

it might be slightly better if i dated a deaf guy, because he'd know what being deaf is like and we can connect on that level.. but still, it's not the only reason to date someone.

I second that!
Ma olen ka Eestist ja kuigi mul pole isiklikku kokkupuudet kurtidega hakkas mind mingite kokkusattumuste läbi nende kultuur huvitama. Huvitav on kedagi sarnast leida :)(kuigi kurdi poisi leidmine pole just eesmärgiks) Kas sa oskad viipekeelt? Kas kurdiga suhtes olemine on väga erinev kuuljatest? Igatahes edu sulle.. (Ma oletan et sa tead kõigest sellest rohkem. Mul oli üks klassiõde kes rääkis et toimuvad mingid kurtide ja kuuljate ü olen ise igat pidi kõik kohad internetis läbi otsinud aga ei leia, kas sa äkki tead midagi sellest?)

translate this purretty please. :aw:
translate this purretty please. :aw:

Google translate is pretty cool :D:

"I am also in Estonia, and although I do not have personal contact with deaf took me out for any kokkusattumuste attracted the interest of their culture. It is interesting to find someone similar (though not exactly objective of finding a Kurdish boy) Do you know sign language? Do kurdiga of being is very different kuuljatest? Anyway Good luck to you .. (I assume that you know all this more. Klassiõde I was one who spoke about the events take place in some form for the deaf and the hearer of all .. I myself had been looking through all the sites on the Internet, however, does not consider whether all of a sudden you know anything about this?)"
I just dont understand, shouldnt u look for a girl u like whether it Deaf or Hearing??? I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with dating a Deaf girl, but i think its a lil wierd Searching out a Deaf ONLY girl!!