Going blind-lifestyle change for deaf...

I am Usher's Syndrome :(
I read 24" Widescreen Monitor with black background, largest text, no Zoomtext, Zoomtext cost $300 or more, forget it, I use Microsoft mouse/keyboard nice zoom!

I am sad, loss my vision,
I am Usher's Syndrome :(
I read 24" Widescreen Monitor with black background, largest text, no Zoomtext, Zoomtext cost $300 or more, forget it, I use Microsoft mouse/keyboard nice zoom!

I am sad, loss my vision,

If you think 300 dollars is expensive you should see how much some of the braille display costs. don't know what the price in dollars is but in pounds it is about 3k.

I have a braille display AND Zoomtext x16 which I use simultaniously.
Hello everyone. I am deaf-blind and lost my vision first and then my hearing. A lifestyle change will certainly happen but won't completely change everything. I use sign language (pse because I grew up with mild hearing impairment that became severe later) and braille and large print. Everyone has to adapt to their unique situation and levels of hearing and vision. Rehab is an excellent source of training and also a rehab center specializing in deaf-blindness like HKNC (Hellen Keller National Center) A great training center. Living in both worlds is definatly a challenge but not impossible. I wish you a lot of luck with everything and just know that you can still live life to the best.
I'm also deafblind and happy to answer any questions I can. I think our experiences are different though since I've always been legally blind first and then became hard of hearing, so the adaptive techniques I had to learn were very different from the ones you'll have to learn. Anyway the information Hear Again and Aleser gave is really useful! Sorry I can't be more helpful.