Getting new Hearing Aid:


New Member
Oct 28, 2010
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I didn't realize how much I missed the ability to hear varies of noise include music. Last Friday I realized that I haven't turned the stereo on for awhile and that leads me to varies noises that I miss to hear. I used to love to lip syncing along the music after I learn the lyrics... I used to be able to speak in full sentence after practice but without hearing aid my talk have gotten worse, I cannot hear music, I cannot hear ANYTHING even my babies excitement squeal when I get home. Without hearing aid there's no happiness.

I've been without hearing aid for 6 years... and the last hearing aid I had was "Phonak classica" and that was made 15 years ago!

I'm getting Phonak Naida III... I wanted the Naida V or XI but the audie recommended III since I'm profoundly deaf but I notice many deaf has gotten V or XI.

I need your recommendation since I'm paying this hearing aid out of my pocket.

[ame=]YouTube - Cannot Live Without Hearing Aids...[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Hearing Aid Follow up- part: 1[/ame]

My hearing Aid should be ready on Tuesday or so; can't hardly wait but I am very curious why not many have Naida III? Should I get V instead?
No captions? Is there an Auslan version?

Sorry If my vlog (video blogging) doesn't have subtitle. There is summarize in English which will give u an idea what I'm talking about.

:hmm: I am wondering why should I add subtitle to my vlogs?? :hmm:
wow that is suprised exactly my hearing aid is phonak is vey cool! I ask you question you I can help learn how new hearing aid :D wonderful I visual on your review your good skill quality seems good! impressive vlog thank you information me :D
I have the Naida IX, but the IX is more expensive than the III. I would guess the V costs more than the III. IX has the most features. Medicaid paid for my IX so I didn't have to worry about the cost.
I have the Naida IX, but the IX is more expensive than the III. I would guess the V costs more than the III. IX has the most features. Medicaid paid for my IX so I didn't have to worry about the cost.

The extra feature on IX was necessary for you? What's the benefit you get from IX? I mean some deaf people will not be able to tell the difference between III and IX.
Sorry If my vlog (video blogging) doesn't have subtitle. There is summarize in English which will give u an idea what I'm talking about.

:hmm: I am wondering why should I add subtitle to my vlogs?? :hmm:

For some like me, having subtitles helps since I am still learning ASL. I am late deafened and learning ASL is hard for me.
that is nice awesome I understand you good ASL THUMB UP! you are brave because you don't afraid! I need to learn hearing aid sound environment!!!
I have the V. It is all about features. If you won't use the features on the higher models don't spend the money.
Great! open mind discuss! I learn it more discuss more communication to you!!! that is great impressive! lot of hard sound communications posts let it go means woot I am new hearing aid is very neat power PHONAK! :D cheer
Got the hearing aid today. It's amazing hearing aid but it does needs some adjustment. First while driving car I can hear the my car tires on road running and it's veryyyy loud and it drowned out the music. It was not pleased sound. Secondly when in crowd I could hear overlapping talking with some odd noise I don't know what it is. Even some lady walking in high heel makes loud clacking noise as the shoes hit the floor. Third the bathroom fan make loud noise. 4th chip bag crumbing makes louuuddd noise. And lastly I couldn't even hear the high f note sing in opera like I could before i I mean I can hear it but it's not in high pitch. Anyone experience this? Any recommend??
You need to get used to it, it probably will need adjustment but you also need to adjust to all the extra sounds. Give it time and it will improve.
Yeh your right- I have feeling that the bass boost is too high. Male voice sound just right but the female voice sound like she got sock in her mouth.
What program should I set. What's the limit? 4?

You need to get used to it, it probably will need adjustment but you also need to adjust to all the extra sounds. Give it time and it will improve.
Got the hearing aid today. It's amazing hearing aid but it does needs some adjustment. First while driving car I can hear the my car tires on road running and it's veryyyy loud and it drowned out the music. It was not pleased sound. Secondly when in crowd I could hear overlapping talking with some odd noise I don't know what it is. Even some lady walking in high heel makes loud clacking noise as the shoes hit the floor. Third the bathroom fan make loud noise. 4th chip bag crumbing makes louuuddd noise. And lastly I couldn't even hear the high f note sing in opera like I could before i I mean I can hear it but it's not in high pitch. Anyone experience this? Any recommend??

That is true I can hear loud!! :D I can hear loud environment sound pretty sound noise yell! look high pitch! I notice practice sound!
Earlier today me and my bf were smoking and the dogs was barking... he opened the door and said "No barking--- go lay down!" I repeated what he said and he was puzzled and asked me if I read his lip. I said only if you had eyes on back of your head. He said so you actually understood me? I said yeh I guess so. This hearing aid is good.
Earlier today me and my bf were smoking and the dogs was barking... he opened the door and said "No barking--- go lay down!" I repeated what he said and he was puzzled and asked me if I read his lip. I said only if you had eyes on back of your head. He said so you actually understood me? I said yeh I guess so. This hearing aid is good.

I learn tutorial study more question to you :D!! I hope be interesting hearing aid is very good! I wish be question to you!
Heyya Divekevin....I am also on DVTV under smooth impala. I have worn analog hearing aids for close to 35 years (I am 35) and I just recently went to my audi to get tested. I am at 90% hearing loss unfortunately. I have always been around 60-75% loss but guess I'm getting older.

She recommended that I get Phonak Naida IX for the power of it for now and in the future when I lose more hearing. I've always interacted with hearing people just fine (Im hard of hearing and speak quite well). I am interested in your experiences with your new phonak aids. Altho..I am only going to get one aid becuz like you, I pay out of pocket which sucks ass big time!

I seem to notice that I can only hear high pitch noises just a little. Cant hear the cat meow...cant hear microwave beep...bathroom fan ( I can..if I pay attention). Some lady workers at my work...I absolutely can not hear them because they are soft spoken.

I'd like to see you make a vlog on dvtv about em. I chose blue moon (black n blue) for my color. Cheers to you and keep us updated! :)
@smithtr u want to ask me question? go ahead :)

I am happy question to you I learn how clean up make sure careful on mold because I need to careful clean inside mold I notice my heaing aid is very depend on size battery I think so might to almost 3 weeks! Interesting power hearing aid sound impressive!! that is why! Hope be improve hearing aid I try do practice :D difficult! that is great :D I am happy!! continue to more posts :D