Gates Says Web Will Revolutionize TV

I can see it happening. I use my HDTV as both monitor and TV.
The internet already has 'revolutionized tv'.

You can start your own TV broadcasting on the internet right now.

Television had always been a very very expensive business to get into. Before cable and satellite, the major hurdle was the limit of how many channels there could be. Then you had to become affiliated with a network so that you could afford to stay in business. So the networks really determined what people of the world would see. (Foreign companies are forbidden to own a broadcasting station in the USA, so to get around that, Sony and other foreign corporations just bought the networks.)

Now there is nothing to stop you from saying or showing what you want to broadcast (My internet broadcasting company does not allow sex-shows, extreme violence, illegal activities etc. But if you want to show that, eventually there will be other providers that will allow that.) There might be only 10 people on earth that want to watch your TV show, but with the internet, it does not matter if they are 15,000 km away. Further, internet television is like a 'call-in radio show'. Viewers can type in text directly back to the broadcaster.

Your concern for lack of captioning is true. Because broadcasting your TV show on the internet is not regulated, no one can force you to add captioning. However the good news is that no one can require you to add sound ! Why not create TV shows that are only done with signing? All you need is a computer less than 5 years old (approximately) and a webcam.

One of my degrees is in broadcasting. I used to work in radio and TV, but I got out of that. In 1978 it became quite clear to me that there was no future because all the radio stations were becoming like TV in that all the programming for all the radio stations in the U.S.of A. now comes out of just a few companies. So where-ever you go, radio is identical. No more local news, no more local DJs etc. The internet has now completely reversed that. Everyone with access to a computer and the internet can now become a broadcaster. You can cover your local area if you want. Get the news out that the networks will not cover. Maybe they do not think it is important. Maybe they disagree with you so they want to be sure no one hears you.

In 2006 we hit the point in the U.S.A. that 1/2 of people on the internet have "broadband". This means 150 million people in the U.S.A. have good enough internet connection to watch streaming TV on their computers. By the year 2012 ("the analysts" say, and I believe) there will be 2,000,000,000 people on earth on broadband internet. Which means that an "ordinary" person like you can have lots of viewers.

The other huge difference is that there is no need for a 'tivo' or a video-recorder. Internet video can be live, but most of it is 'video-on-demand'. So you will be able to watch whatever you want, whatever time you want, and you can do that without recording it. So you can get up at 03:00 and watch the news done in ASL that an 'ordinary person' did last night.

Last October I covered our race team at Daytona International Speedway and we were putting the videos on the internet within minutes after they were recorded. (We could not do live because a big huge giant corporation bought the rights to solely broadcast live.) We did continual update interviews with the racers, mechanics and team owners throughout the 8 hour race. We are presently working on plans to cover the racing again in March for the 3 hour race. (I was not going to mention this yet because we are still working on arrangements, but I am looking for an interpreter to come with us to the races and do the signing for our videos.)

One thing that everyone needs to be aware of when they step into the future; when anyone puts video on a service like youtube or google video, they are GIVING ALL RIGHTS to that work to that company. So youtube can do anything they want with your hard work, they can sell it, they can edit it and turn it into part of a porno movie, they can edit it so it looks like you were saying something you didnt, they can do ANYTHING with it and never pay you a penny, never give you credit, never say thank you. Unless it turns out to be that what you uploaded was not your original work. If youtube gets in trouble for copyright infringement, YOU are in trouble, not them. Also those youtube and google do not allow you to use video for your business. So if you try to put advertising in your video they can remove it. This is why thousands of people each month are switching over to pay services.

So think about all the things you have wanted to say throughout your life. Think about what you want to say and show to people now.

Now you can do it. With an ordinary computer and a camera. You can have 500 people watching you live if you want.

Time for me to run off to the races.