Gallaudet Protestors Arrested

FSSA=Faculty, Students, Staff, Alumni, a coalition formed last May.
Banjo, the media picked that up because they are inclined to believe people in charge and JKF has been parading around saying that is the protestors' only reason.

The events here are unacceptable and I'm upset by I. Traitor Jordan's decision. Things don't look good for the future.
I feel sorry for Jane...

I know that you guys don't like her job performance...

But she has feeling...
I don't know what is going through her head right now...
But it sucks to be her.
not to be mean, but that is the first post I've read from you in the last 10 that wasn't thoughtless and apparently intentionally abrasive.
I feel sorry for Jane...

I know that you guys don't like her job performance...

But she has feeling...
I don't know what is going through her head right now...
But it sucks to be her.

If you feel sorry for Jane. Why did not you make the reservation to fly down to D.C. to pick Jane up go to the jungle in Africa. She will be enjoying every moment with a Tarzan. Jane is not belong to the Deaf Community.
My friend fwd me the email what President Jordon wrote it to Campus Community. Here it is:

October 14, 2006

Dear Members of the Campus Community,

First, let me assure all of you that the campus is reopened and access to campus
is available through the Sixth Street entrance. We are awaiting a report on the
status of the Hall Memorial Building. Unfortunately, damage was done to the
building during the protest. We are assessing the extent of the damage and will
report back as soon as possible.

Having said that, I also want you to know that last night was one of the saddest
of my life. After a week of fruitless negotiations we were forced to reopen the
campus with the help of the Metropolitan Police. I want to be clear that we did
not choose to arrest the students, they chose to be arrested. But the result was
the same.

I want to ask everyone on this campus and those of you who feel you are and
always will be a part of Gallaudet University to look into your hearts and to
think about what is best for our University. We need to work together to heal
the rift that separates us. We need to work together to address the issues that
confront us. We need to accept our next President Jane Fernandes and help her as
she leads this University we love to new heights. Encourage your sense of fair
play to surface and give Jane Fernandes the respect that is due her and the
opportunity to bring us all together in pursuit of academic excellence.


I. King Jordan

I felt more than 135 students made arrested since I saw many pics gallery that I know who are them on arrested and their name isnt on list, so I am sure more than 135 students...
I felt more than 135 students made arrested since I saw many pics gallery that I know who are them on arrested and their name isnt on list, so I am sure more than 135 students...

Got wind the number is 148.

My friend fwd me the email what President Jordon wrote it to Campus Community. Here it is:

October 14, 2006

Dear Members of the Campus Community,

First, let me assure all of you that the campus is reopened and access to campus
is available through the Sixth Street entrance. We are awaiting a report on the
status of the Hall Memorial Building. Unfortunately, damage was done to the
building during the protest. We are assessing the extent of the damage and will
report back as soon as possible.

Having said that, I also want you to know that last night was one of the saddest
of my life. After a week of fruitless negotiations we were forced to reopen the
campus with the help of the Metropolitan Police. I want to be clear that we did
not choose to arrest the students, they chose to be arrested. But the result was
the same.

I want to ask everyone on this campus and those of you who feel you are and
always will be a part of Gallaudet University to look into your hearts and to
think about what is best for our University. We need to work together to heal
the rift that separates us. We need to work together to address the issues that
confront us. We need to accept our next President Jane Fernandes and help her as
she leads this University we love to new heights. Encourage your sense of fair
play to surface and give Jane Fernandes the respect that is due her and the
opportunity to bring us all together in pursuit of academic excellence.


I. King Jordan


No need for the mea culpa Jordan. The old deaf guard terrorists got what they deserved.

Got wind the number is 148.


Thats what I think... Cuz I saw someone said many students who got arrested, will use plain white shirt with number of arrested, for example, Chris Corrigan (Mayor of Tent City) is first person arrested and his shirt will be #1... So, many deaf bloggers can know whats excalty numbers of arrested...
We need to accept our next President Jane Fernandes and help her as she leads this University we love to new heights. Encourage your sense of fair play to surface and give Jane Fernandes the respect that is due her and the opportunity to bring us all together in pursuit of academic excellence.

No way, we are not going to give her another opporunity. What she has been nasty attitude with other Deaf parents? We have zero tolerate with her attitude !

Jordan needs to respect Deaf people's wishes.
If you feel sorry for Jane. Why did not you make the reservation to fly down to D.C. to pick Jane up go to the jungle in Africa. She will be enjoying every moment with a Tarzan. Jane is not belong to the Deaf Community.

I feel you guys are jealous of her because of her communication skills
and her being very intelligent...
And that she can blend in with the hearing folks very well..

And deaf people want to kick her out of deaf community... because
in the past not able to blend in with the hearing folks...
True I fear, they are saying, WE can't communicate effectively with hearing folks so we want someone the same, makes sense ? erm......not. Deaf need role models of successful people, not ones who would never make it in the scheme of things anyway, or worse do not WANT to make it iutside a deaf sphere. The very WORST type of role models, frauds.
:jaw: ALREADY ?!?!?!?! 148 ??? thought it is over was 135 it would be so HISTORY!!! :lol: DAMN!!!! :Ohno:
Farewell - Any idea how many ppl got arrested and how many got released on bail?
:jaw: ALREADY ?!?!?!?! 148 ??? thought it is over was 135 it would be so HISTORY!!! :lol: DAMN!!!! :Ohno:

Yeah I thought the same thing as you did, hmmm...but I agree with Red here, a link will be good start to see if it's true...