funny pet stories


New Member
Sep 7, 2005
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One time when my cat shakes was learning how to jump. He thought he could jump across from the counter to the stove, and my mom was digging under the sink for a pan. Shakes didn't make it across so he landed and clawed my mom on the ass. She took shakes and threw him. I was poor shakes, and i started laughing at her ...she was like its not funny!. ...oh but it was :giggle:
:lol: wow that was funny! You should have got it on tape and send it to America's Funniest Home Videos! :P
One of my cats, Missy loves to knock the things over/off. For example, she pushed off the tissue box off the table and she spilled my soda's cup. She does that all the times. At one time, when my dad turned on the coffee maker in the morning then he went to the bathroom. Missy sneaked and she pulled the coffee's pot handle! :eek: Suddenly, the coffee maker poured all over the kitchen's floor! Thank God, she didn't get burned.... Whew!!
my cat likes to knock these off the table , and whats weird he drinks water/ milk by taping it with his paw and licking it :crazy:
Wow, it's weird! lol I remember we had the basement's door that had the cat door so we don't have to worry about forget to let any of my cats out of the basement. OK, it was really funny! I had my old fat cat, Lumpy, he was weighed 23 lbs.! ( he passed away a few years ago ), when it happened that I walked into the kitchen without paying attention then Lumpy got into my way and I fell down. Suddenly, I scared him and other cats ( heard I fell down ) then he and A.J. ( still alive ) went into the cat door at same time! They got stuck and A.J.'s belly was so flat as pancake!! Any seconds later, A.J. got out and let Lumpy go then A.J. and Lumpy went downstairs. Later, they seemed fine. :giggle: