Funny.. Cat trapped in clothes hamper!


Lets ride horses!
Premium Member
Aug 10, 2006
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I want to share funny story.

Last night, I was finished folding the clothes, and place clothes hamper in the hallway..
This morning, I woke up and concerned my deaf perisan Kayla didn't sleep with me at my bed? :hmm:
So I went to kitchen and notice clothes hamper flipped down. I thought maybe a ghost or someone flipped the hamper down on the floor! Whatever, I ingored it and prepared coffee and breakfast. My daughter runs and shouted at me that she heard Kayla was screaming. She found Kayla trapped in the clothes hamper since last night! :giggle:
:rofl: Hence the old saying, "Curiosity killed the cat." At least Kayla's story ended well. :)
Bet Kayla wouldn't go in the hamper again.

Good thing your daughter heard her. Now you can sleep comfortably with Kayla on your
bed. :)
yeah i hate that when it happens. One of my kitties, always follow me where I was going around in the house. well, it wasn't the first time for my kitty to be trapped in the foyer. :roll: After that I thought he learned the lesson, not. My hubby tends not to check on cats, and keep going. Every time I come home, and check the foyer to make sure if one of my kitty has not come to me. sometimes he was there in the foyer. I suppose he's not that bright but adorable that melts my heart. lol now you know your kitty went there before so check the hamper once in a while. :lol: glad your kitty is OK. :)
A friend of mine opened my refrigerator and my cat jumped out of it! The poor cat, it was lucky is did not die! It was an older refrigerator so it was not sealed tightly. My friend freaked out when my cat jump at her! I am not sure how the cat got in there!
aw poor kayla. funny. did she looked scared when you got her out? or was cozy being buried under all those warmfromdryer clothes sleeping the night away?

lmao, the response of refrigerator cat .. omg. for how long? let's hope it never happens to one of ours! :o glad she's okay!