Freedom With Neckloop


New Member
Sep 21, 2008
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I realized I had originally posted this in the wrong place so I reposted it in the correct section! Forgive me for any troubles. I am still new at this stuff.

I have the Freedom BTE and a Philips SA3025. If I position the ear buds near my microphone on the BTE and turn the T-coil on, I can hear music coming from my handheld music device perfectly. I do not feel like holding up the ear buds to my ear all day because when placed inside my ear canal, I can't hear any sound.

I saw the neckloop and was thinking about getting this one:

PockeTalker for Hard of Hearing People

It's the NKL 005.

So, what is the deal on this thing anyways? Just plug it into my handheld music device, put the loop around my neck and turn my BTE onto T-coil?

No ear buds or any headphones are necessary?

How well does it work, if anyone has experience with these?

I only want something for listening to music, please help me find something in the price range of $30-60.

Thank you!
Um.. will that work with Digital Hearing Aids? I don't think I have T mode, I had T mode on my old hearing aids model but not this one. :hmm:
What brand of hearing aid do you have? I have Sumo Digital hearing aids and they have t mode.

It is Starkey DaVinci PsP, it is quite popular today.. I have 3 programs where you press the button to switch to one of 3 different programs but I don' think I have T mode.. :hmm: