Free Bubbles


New Member
May 11, 2005
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So my wife ran off to the store and told me to keep an eye on our 5 kids.

No biggy, put in Bambi, take out the hearing aids and read a good book on the couch while the kids all sit on the floor watching the movie.

So everythings going great when I relize my youngest daughter's missing. :doh:

I know she didn't get out cause I locked the door, So I start looking around the house.

Can't find her anywhere so I put my hearing aids back in and start trying to pay attention.

Well after about 5 min I realize that the water is running upstairs and run up there to find my 2 year old up to her armpits in bubble bath...from the floor.

So my entire upstares bathroom is full of bubbles and water....and I have about 25 more min to clean it before the wife gets home and finds out.

Anyone want some free bubbles?

oh what a day........

Later all,
oh! how did it go?
were you able to get it cleaned up in time?

aah always gotta keep an eye on little kids, eh
Sorry but I'm laughing hard. Sounds so cute!

Send bubbles out this way as Ill be taking a long hot bubble bath soon!
:Oops: Oh Ridilin, you probably didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I hope you were able to get it all cleaned up before your wife got home. Your daughter must have had a stressful day and needed to pamper herself with a bubblebath. She sounds so cute!! :angel: