For the first time, Ask Rebelgirl anything!

crazy crowd in here!!

My turn now ;)

What time did you and your daughter were born?

I'm not sure what time I was born, but my daughter was born at 11:17am

What was the weight when you and your daughter were born?

me: 6 lbs 9 oz. ; Jacey: 5 lbs 13 oz.

What was your best memories of your time in school?

Having my friends around all the time, getting athletes awards, going to the regional and state tournament for softball, kissing my ex in the hallway in front of everyone! :eek3: (now that's an embarrassment when I think about that), getting picked for the homecoming maid in 9th grade, voted the best athletic in senior year and i was picked for the Regional bryant-jordan award for softball and got 1,000 dollar scholarship for college, also i got asked to play softball in 3 different colleges but turned them all down.. i know i know that was stupid of me! I had alot of great memories when i was in school.. I sure do miss the old days!
Rebel girl, Here I am....;)

My questions to you is....

Do you believe in love at first sight or do you let him walk by again? Lol!!

well, I believed in love at first sight but it didn't work out for me, I fell in love with my ex-husband at first sight and I divorced him.. now with my hon, I played hard to get cuz i wasn't sure if he liked me or not and he did something stupid that hurt my feelings. It took me 2 weeks to get over it *he was IMing me every day telling me he was so sorry* I realized he really did like me alot so I started dating him. So here I am.. still with him !

Do you have a crush on anyone on AD?


If you had to save one person from drowning, who would u save, Roadrunner or Angel? Just had to ask that.. Lol!! and explain your reasons too...It's a tough decision, just curious who and why.

Oh boy....I might as well drown myself... :eek3: If I can't save one, then I won't be able to save the other then I'll go along with them and go underwater and say good bye! :ugh3:

Really.. in my theory, I think RR would want me to save Angel than to save him first. right, RR? anyway, more likely, I'll get Angel first then go back and get RR that is if he's still alive..... :ugh: