FM system?!???


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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Can Anyone give as much info on fm systems as u can?!?..including personal likes/ getting one soon..n i wud like to know what to expect, or not expect..thanks AD!
lilitalia89 said:
Can Anyone give as much info on fm systems as u can?!?..including personal likes/ getting one soon..n i wud like to know what to expect, or not expect..thanks AD!
Hi, my 5 year old uses a fm system and the only thing that's a problem with it is that it weighs down her earpiece.It's a very small attachment but it still weighs it down a bit. Other then that it helps her so much in school and noisey situations. When she has it on, i could be in another room in the house and whisper something in the mic and she hears it so clear. I'm not sure of the range that it could reach but i have a small house. I hope you will be happy with it
Overrated.....far far far too overrated. They can be helpful for some people, but I think that people should experiment both with and without them.....I was too sucked into using them.....the teachers were all gung ho about it.....I just found it overrated.
Made a big difference for me, starting in high school when I was offered one. I wish I'd had it earlier! Deafdyke is sorta right though - try it, and if it's more trouble than it's worth, don't keep it.
FM systems were a huge plus to me and made a big difference in my comprehension levels in a classroom situation at school and in lecture halls at college. It really took the hard work out of listening and in fact my hearing classmates use to copy my notes sometimes because they were so good. I still had to sit toward the front though for optimum comprehension.

I'm really glad I had one in the education setting! But as this thread shows not everyone feels that way so you will have to try it out for yourself and make your own judgement.
thanks ismi!!11 You really gotta I did fine with sitiing up front, and having teachers with decent just come out and TELL the teacher that you're hoh. Most teachers have pretty good professoional speaking voices, and will modify their speaking voicces, so u don't need FM.
ya my teachers are pretty decent when it comes to talking but we have bout 25-35 kids in each class and teachers never seem to want to stay in one spot, and i have tinnitus so thats y im trying out the fm system to see if that helps...i also dont have ha's so ill be using a personal one with earbuds..thanks for all the freat input so far! i really appreciate it...

p.s. has everyones fm's been phonak..i think thats wat there getting for me..i havent heard of many other companies that sell them
I use a Lexis. I bought it (through my audi) from Oticon, but I think it might be made by a consortium of HA companies, sort of like the Eli.
I actually think that the need for an FM system reflects generally poor acustics for EVERYONE. I mean when they install soundfield, which EVERYONE can benifit from, student acheivement goes SO way up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1