Fishing in PA


New Member
Oct 2, 2010
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Hey! Yeahyeah, I see other fishing threads, but it doesn't answer my question.

I see there are people here who likes to go fishing. I do too! But anyone know a real good fishing lake? How about some place near Philly where I live?

I actually go to Gally (student), and I love fishing in Lake Artemisa which is in College Park, MD. I caught a total of four bass so far this fall. I stuck with a topwater lure and I have had NO LUCK! So I switched to fluke plastic worm and caught four of them.

Summer is a long way to go from now, I come home for the summer to work and be with my family. What kills me the most is there is no place I can go to fishing during my free time. I have no boat obviously. So where can I go?

I tried googling for good places, but a lot of them were bought by Aqua company and closed them. There's a quite a number of people who protested against that.

Where would you fish in PA near Philly? If you know any...
you might want to download the Goggle Earth. It if you want bring up close to your area in PA. So you can see where is the pond, river, lake and etc. near you from the map of goggle earth.

I already have my Goggle Earth and marking a lot of good spots to fishing. Caution b4 go to that place and must follow to this. Just checking if there no one around there then u can go fish, find the owner of private property then ask for permit and require member club card to go fish there.