

New Member
Feb 24, 2006
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I posted a while back saying that I was thinking about getting the CI. Well, after 2 rescheduling appts with the doc, I finally saw him last week. He is the best in the state (everyone keeps telling me that) and I was so scared that he would tell me that I wouldn't be able to benefit from it since I have not worn a hearing aid since I was 12 years old. He came in and I was surprised that he knew some signs and he was so friendly (friends kept telling me he has no bedside manners) and he kept joking about us having 4 kids. He said that, at least, I will be able to take my CI off when I get tired of the noise and he can't. LOL Anyway, he told me I am a VERY good candiate for one on my right ear. I am wanting CI on both, but I have to wait 6 months before I can do the other ear. (Medicare sucks) I had my CAT SCAN today... He said he will look at the results himself and then call me to come in. He did tell me that I have the choice to do the surgery before Christmas or wait til after. I told him that it was a no brainer!! I'll wait til after the holidays so I can enjoy it! LOL However, I do have Bell Palsy and that could prevent me from getting the surgery. That is one reason the doc told me he will look at the CAT SCAN himself. My question is how long does it take for the CAT SCAN results to come in? (I forgot to ask him when I saw him) I'm really anxious and nervous about it.

He did encourage me to have genetic testing done to hopefully find out why I was born deaf. So, I'll be doing that when I get the kit.

I have started attending CI support group here in town and I love it! They are so understanding and I feel at ease after the meetings. LOL I was surprised that there aren't very many people that go.

I just wanted to update on me. I'll update as soon as I hear from the doc. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!

Umm...I didn't that Bell's Palsy could prevent one from getting a CI. I do know it affects the facial nerve and I guess that is what the hubla is about.

I think it can take 3 or 4 days to get the results of a CAT scan.
That's wonderful news! Congratulations! :)

When I had CT scans, it only took 2 days for my surgeon to receive the results.

Good luck throughout the rest of your journey! :)
Glad you are making good progress and that you've clicked with the surgeon! I hope the Bells Palsy does not pose a problem for you and I'm sure that the surgeon will be really careful about that.

I think it only took two days for the CT scan to get to my doctor. Basically they have to wait for the doctor at the CT scan place to write his report on the results (at least they do that in Australia anyway.) In my case the doctor wrote his report on the very same day.