Let's take a look at everything I said, instead of picking the parts we want to. Especially the parts in red and blue. But most especially the part I bolded and colored, THAT is the part some people are not accepting of their deafness. I can look at it, accept, I don't need to put rosey colored glasses on to look at it. It is what is, it's a word not a judgement.
In fact. I might go one step further and say you don't accept your deafness, at least not for the reality that it is. I've read several posts of yours on here. In one breath you claim the terms hearing impaired and disablity are wrong. Deafness is not a disablity or an impairment. But in the next breath you'll be demanding your rights to accomodations such as interpreters and what not. Do you not realize one arguments negates the other? The simple fact that you require accomodations signifies a hearing disablity. Do you realize that that doesn't say anything bad about you? That it isn't a character judgement or something to base your self worth on?
Depending on how you look at it, I think I have a greater acceptness of my deafness than you do.
I'm talking about denying, yes denial of epic proportions here, that deafness is a disablity while at the same time demanding interpreters be available etc etc. If deafness wasn't a disablity no one would need them in the first place.